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Two Years Later:

Mr and Mrs Potter had a wedding that had no expense spared.

It was held in a grand hotel in Chester, with over three hundred guests in attendance. Pansy had chosen Sunflower yellow and white for her theme; a far cry from the pink that Harry had made her give up in exchange for allowing her have a total of eight Bridesmaids. Her Maid of Honour was Hermione Granger.

After the ceremony was over and the pictures had been taken, Hermione chose to for-go the free champagne and walk out onto the open grounds of the gardens to seek out the one person she was waiting to see. She didn't have to wait long.

A large arm curled around her waist, pulling her close to a broad chest and his scent captivated her straight away. "Nice dress, Granger..." he purred into her ear. "Yellow suits you..."

She turned in his arms and bit her lip as she looked up at him, taking him in. God, he looked good in Navy. His suit matched Harry's except for a different tie; being Best Man had meant a great deal to Draco when Harry had asked him. "You don't look so bad yourself, Mr Malfoy..." she told him with a small smile.

He tilted her chin up and pressed the smallest of kisses to her nose. "Just think; this'll be us this time next year..." he told her as he brought her hand up to kiss her knuckles, her ring shining proudly on her finger.

"...but until then..." he brought her close again and dipped back down to her ear. "I need to find somewhere to fuck you properly – I won't be able to concentrate on my speech while you're there looking like that and I've not touched you..."

She giggled and grabbed at his Navy waistcoat. "You're insatiable..." she whispered into his ear.

"Only for you." He told her with a coy smile.

Hermione was about to recommend that they sneak back to their hotel room without anyone seeing them when they were interrupted by two very loud and obnoxious Grooms Men.

"Ah look," Came the jovial voice of one Theodore Nott. "It's the Malfoy's," he said pleasantly as the men walked towards them. "And judging by the looks of them they're plotting their escape so they can run off to make babies before the speeches start...am I right?" he said with a wink.

Draco didn't even look over, he just sighed and shook his head and held Hermione close, a protective arm around her stomach. "Luna let you off your leash, has she?" Draco asked him with a smirk. "Remind me to pay her double at our wedding...keep you muzzled until after the wedding cake has been cut."

Theo snorted. "I'd be offended but you've already asked me to be a Grooms Man so I know you love me really-"

"-Love is a very strong word-" Draco started.

"-So, you're forgiven." Theo finished happily, ignoring the blonde-haired man and downing his glass of champagne as Blaise sipped his leisurely beside him.

"Where are Luna and Ginny?" Hermione asked and looked around the garden, hoping they would come over and save them from more of Theodore's tongue-lashings. "I've not seen them since the start of the ceremony."

"Ginny's talking to Mrs Parkinson about the decor..." Theo smirked and looked at Blaise. "...Almost as if she's expecting someone to propose soon..."

"Sod off." Blaise said in a deadpan tone but scuffed his shoes into the grass, looking nervous. "Not going over this again... I'll do it when I'm ready...got more important things to think about than Weddings, like Winnie-"

Draco laughed. "You'll be drawing your pension by the time you get round to it... you've shown me the ring; it's decent," he told his friend as Hermione looked up at him looking perplexed. "Just go for it, that's what I ended up doing-"

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