Chapter 21: Wow Dragonfly

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When we get back to the house, I have a hot shower and wonder to myself, why Tejus is now starting to act out. He's been fine up until now and we leave in the morning. Declan was touching his shoulder at the field, but he's a wolf and has no magic, to be the cause of Tejus's current behaviour. Right? I feel like I don't know what's going on any more, my brain has started turning to fucking mush. I need to speak with caleb. He will be able to help. I hope so anyway.


"What is it, flower? Is everything OK?" He relies, sounding strained 

"I'm fine, just wondering if you heard from my dad or brothers yet?"

"Not yet. I spoke to Daryl and he said he doesn't think he will be available for a few more weeks. Unless it's an emergency or your father rings him first, as he doesn't want to jeopardise the mission, we will have to wait. Is something bothering you?" Fuck I miss him. Hearing his voice makes me want to cry and his standoffishness is… I must have done something to upset him, or it's all in my head.

"Nothing more than the usual. I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't know, I'm not quite myself. It's like my brain has decided to stop working properly, half my brain has gone on vacation or something! I'm normally good at piecing things together and seeing things that others don't, but here I'm just… I feel fucking useless. What am I doing here Caleb!? I wanted to come here and figure shit out, but I haven't learnt anything. I should have been able to do this-"

"Calm down, flower. I'm sure that's not the case. None of the others have found anything either and you've been under a lot of stress, including emotional stress. Being away from us won't be helping either. This was one route we could take and what we thought would be the easiest at the time, but there are other things we can do to figure this out, so it doesn't matter. Stop beating yourself up over it. We can figure out our next step when you're home. You could come back tonight if you wanted to" He still sounds annoyed or angry. It's like he's saying what he thinks I want to hear.

"What's a few more hours? I'm supposed to be having dinner with Declan, then it's bed for me. The sooner I go to sleep, the sooner I can come back to you all. Have I done something to upset you? You sound bored and angry at me. Have you had another premonition?"

"No you haven't. (Sigh) I'm sorry. And yes, they've been getting worse"

"Still the same woman?"

"Yes… and I think she's trying to communicate with me. To tell me something… but I can't figure it out. It's driving me crazy and I'm really starting to worry. I want you home where we can keep you safe. There getting stronger, I'm starting to feel her pain, anger, hate, betrayal and... everything. Everytime I close my eyes, she's there, screaming at me and I can't hear her " I can hear how scared he is by his tone of voice, but there's still the sound of anger

"Are you trying to understand by lip reading?"

"How else am I supposed to do it? But she's talking too fast for me to understand, she's also doing hand gestures but I can't really make them out either, it's too dark and I think her wrists are tied up. I think I've figured out 'me', 'bump' and 'fake' or 'real'... maybe?! I don't fucking know! I could be wrong. I just want you home. Her murderous intent and abhorrentness towards you has been getting stronger... It's so strong I can feel it myself"

"You mean-"
"Yeah… I love you more than anything, you know that. And I can't help but feel the way she does towards you. So please don't take it the wrong way, but until we figure this out... I don't think these feelings will go away and will affect me when you're here. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

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