"It's only a computer error."

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I've been working on this damn for like six months, lord!

This one-shot is inspired by the real-life air emergency of Air Transat Flight 236

Massive thanks to SV_Sparks for her wonderful feedback that polished this work. Check out her fanfic 'Cattle Kate's Outlaws' which is also a GuP fic on FFN!

Also big shout out to MusashiBear for creating the cover. Check out his fics on WattPad!



If one had to label what object, out of all the innumerable manufactured goods that filled every building from dinky apartments to mega skyscrapers, people paid attention to vigorously, the answer that might come easy to them is the clock. Ask the same person what group of people watched clocks with the utmost focus, triumphing over all others, and the answer to that was even more straightforward. Students.

With the number of eyes laid upon a clock by distracted students every day in every school worldwide, one would think all that combined sight would damage the clocks somehow. Perhaps time itself would suddenly manifest sentience and be the first fundamental of the universe to feel anxious.

On a regular school day, a teacher would move swiftly to ensure that their students pay their full attention to them and not the ticking clock in the room. However, today was not a typical day for Saunders University High School. It was the last day of school, the final day of study, before Saunder's student body was let loose to enjoy the summer break. For students, the energy felt when they are on the last day of school before summer is a sensation utterly unique to them. A day of complete joviality, good cheer, excitement, every positive emotion a young person can experience without having their neurons overwhelmed by it all. A state of mind that was unfortunately lost with age. Sure, they are more summers a person can live through. But how the season started wouldn't be the same, not like when they were younger.

"Come on...come on...," Alisa muttered under her breath. She was careful not to be too obvious looking at the clock in her last class of the school year, but she needn't have to. All the other students in the class gave the object of time their undivided attention. The teacher, too, snuck glances and made no effort to try and reel her class back in. It didn't matter anyway as there were only a few minutes left in the class.

These few minutes, what felt like a few eons to the students, soon passed, and the sweet sound of the dismissal bell rang throughout the campus.

"Ah! Finally!"

She grabbed her bag with a quick motion, already packed with her belongings, and bolted out of the room, joining the sea of students all driving headlong to the school's main doors. After a minute or so of rubbing shoulders with others and getting way too close to accidentally smelling another girl's hair, Alisa made it outside and breathed the fresh air as if she was just released from prison. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the sun was high. To her delight, it wasn't dreadfully hot as the sun rays gently kissed her skin.

To make this vacation even better, Saunder's school ship has opted not to merely sail around Japan but instead head due west. Straight across the Pacific and make port somewhere along the Western Coast of the United States. So, not only were students counting down to the last day of school, but they were also counting down the day they would arrive in America. No doubt were many adventures were to be made, and Alisa was damn sure to have one of her own the moment the ship made port.

Alisa took a pause and looked around, searching for someone in particular. A task made somewhat tricky as the enormity of Saunder's student body turned the front of the school into a mass of humanity. Groups of students all congealed together into a cacophony of conversation and laughter.

"It's only a computer error."Where stories live. Discover now