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Ragnar just killed all of the munks friends, and now the munk is on the boat with Ragnar. The munk is sad and Ragnar is not. Ragnar was about to kill the munk, but he didn't because something stopped him.  it was Jesus who stopped him, Ragnar hates Jesus, but the munk loves Jesus. You know what they say: polar opisites attract. <3 

Ragnar took the munk aside to talk. The munk offers Ragnar some holy water, but Ragnar says no. The munk throws the holywater at Ragnar. Then the jormungandr comes up from the water and kills  everyone except Ragnar and the munk.

pov the munk's mind: shit, this thing is real? holy macrony! I need to appologize to Ragnar

"I'm sorry i doubted your religion, I now belive in norse mythology."

Rgnar is shocked, all his friends dies and now the munk belive his religion. Ragnar looks at the munk. The shiny spot on the munk's head is pointy and wet. Ragnar cant help but find it really beutiful. 

"you know, you have a really... pionty head." says Ragnar

The munk blink twice. 


"its... cute" 

Pov the munk's mind: that ws unnexpected, i have always been bullied for my pointy head, but he likes it. 

"I like... the blood behind your ears" the munk says

"Thats the blood of your brother"

awkward silence


"oh" says the munk.

suddenly the boat start to sink, the Jörmungandr must have made a hole in it. Both the munk and Ragnar is scared.

Pov the munk's mind: oh no, i dont know how to swim, and im pretty sure this is not holy water, i need to pray to Jesus crist, our saviour.

POV Ragnar's mind: Fuck, im seriously going to die like this?! With a Fucking munk?! At least it is a cute munk, but still.

"Ragnar, i need to tell you something" The munk is almost crying.

POV Ragnar's mind: He's crying now, are you fucking serious?


"I know we just met, but i feel like we have this kind of connection." 

Ragnar  and the munk look at each other, suddenly Ragnar is aware of how close they are.

"I know you feel it too" the munk says.

Ragnar narrows his eyebrows, but says nothing. The boat is getting heavy at the back, so Both Ragnar and the munk run to the front. The munk look at the sea, the sun is about to go down, then he looks at Ragnar and says. 

"Look, the sun is going down"

Ragnar begins to panick

"WHat?! First all my frieds gets killed by the Jörmungandr, then my ship begin to sink, and now youre telling me the sun is going down?! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE UNIVERSE?"

The munk is stunned by Ragnars stupidity. Then he says:

"you know the sun is not ACTIALLY going down, right?"
Ragnar stop pannicing, and his face turned red.

"Ofcourse, I'm not stupid... I was just trying to scare you"

the water is scary close to them now, so they are forced to stand close to eachother. The munk feel the wind in his face, he closes his eyes and says

"Im flying Ragnar, look im flying"

"idiot, you on a sinking boat, your not even close to flying." Says Ragnar

"Ragnar, i like you" 

Ragnar look suprised at the munk.


"I like you, even though you killed my whole family and all my friends, i still like you"

Ragnar is quiet for a while, but then he says:
"I like you too"

Then they kiss, and they both drown together in peace.

The end

rangnar and the munkWhere stories live. Discover now