Dream 1: Why Me?

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Dream One: Why Me?

GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *flips a table* I hate myself so much... I had the entire spring break to write and update stuff, but what did I do? Sit and watch Blue Exorcist, Sword Art Online 2, and Fairy Tail 2014. CURSE YOU WHO CREATE ANIME TO ENSNARE US IN TO COACH POTATOES. ... I didn't mean it, please don't take it to heart, Shinobu Ohtaka-sama QwQ

Anywho, I just read this manga called Sabaku no Harem. Really funny XD I couldn't help imagining the main heroine and love interests as Seira and Sinbad! He kinda looks the part too... Anyway, enough groveling from me. Please enjoy what I have scrambled to make for you guys ^_^

Song: Magi LoM OST: Danse Bizarre 1


Even though I hate royalty and the like, I found myself here...

"So you're called Seira, young lady?"

A brunette girl sweatdropped as she stared at the cause of all her troubles, both present and future. It was a slightly unpleasant sight too. Well, at least in her case. Probably only in her case. After all, she was looking at one of the most prominent men in the country.

"I am the third prince, Sinbad." A sultry voice continued. Staring back at the girl's dark, sepia eyes were the bright golden hues of a tall, tanned man sitting before her.

He wore purple and white robes that somewhat paled in comparison with his slick violet locks that, even when tied with a simple white ribbon, reached down past his hips.

Resting on his head was a neatly wrapped white turban with a giant feathery decoration, which size could only be compared to his smile. His white teeth shined ever so brilliantly among all the jewelry that enveloped his frame.

One of Seira's eyebrows twitched.

Typical nobles.

"And starting today, you will become one of the wives." Sinbad spread his arms wide to gesture to the women around him. He closed his eyes, somehow managing to smile wider. "In my harem."

The brunette inwardly sighed and sweatdropped even more.

Why me?


There are many worlds, you know. There is this one, in which Magi is merely fictional.

There is the world of Magi itself, the one we all know and love, in which Sinbad had to work his way to the top and Seira is a friend of his, not yet known whether or not Sinbad will be "more" to her as she is to him.

There is also Alma Torran. That "other world" that is closest to that last mentioned one and its fate much more intertwined with it. They all exist in a different space from one another. Right now, there are a lot of these "worlds" somewhere out there!

And this is one of them. In which djinns, magis, and the like don't exist. Where mountains must be moved by sheer force and will of humans. In which Seira and Sinbad are most definitely something "more".

In a nearby world, our story takes place in the desert country of Sindria. It is not the Sindria of Magi, however. Sinbad is born into royalty, while Seira is born into poverty, a barrier that will do nothing to stop them from becoming "more". It actually pushes them to be "more", really.

But anyway, back to this Sindria. Polygamy is recognized in this country. Influential men flaunt their powers to others. By maintaining a large harem of high-quality wives...

It could be said that women are used as symbols of political power.


"Wait a minute!" Seira exclaimed, pushing herself to her feet. "We just met, and then I was hauled off to the palace against my will. And now, out of the blue, I am to become your wife? Why?"

A pinkette sneers and cups her hand as she whispers to the tall blond one beside her. "The way she speaks to the prince..." Her voice trails off, needing no other words to state the evident.

This girl had no boundaries or manners. Not even to their beloved Prince Sinbad! If it had been any other noble she had spoken to so arrogantly, she would have been put to death merely because of her glare.

"It's obvious." Sinbad spoke up, his head resting casually on his knuckles. With a dazzling smile on his lips, he replied to her, in kind. "Because I will not be satisfied until I get what I want."

Seira stiffened and stared at him in disbelief with a deadpan look on her face.

This is why I hate royalty!

The violette gestured towards a tealette consort as he stood up. "Get her some new clothes," A yawn interrupted his sentence and he stretched his back as well. "And explain the harem to her."

Seira snorted and held up a hand, stopping the tealette in her tracks. "Hold up." She crossed her arms, gaining the attention of Sinbad. "So you really think I'm going to join your harem, are you?"

Sinbad crossed his arms in return. "Of course. You didn't think I was serious when I said I will not be satisfied until I get what I want?"

Seira chuckled darkly, fiddling with the knot of her dusty cloak. "You know what's so useful about these old clothes you plan to replace?"

"Hmm?" Sinbad hummed in questioning, stepping closer to the girl.

She smiled as dazzling as Sinbad did. "They make good distractions." With that, she pulled her cloak loose and tossed it onto the would-be king.

Sinbad coughed from the clouds of dust suddenly appearing from Seira's robe, scrambling to pull the cloth off him, the other consorts scurrying over to assist him.

With one good tug, he managed to finally get out of it. His eyes immediately searched for the brunette.

But she had gone, like a passing breeze. Doing what she did best.

Running from people with power.


7/25/2016: Small edits were added to clarify any misunderstandings.

So yeah, that's all I got for you. *sulks in corner* I thought I could have been strong enough to update everything.

Well anyway, should I change the title to its English meaning? Please let me know in the comments.

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