Part 1

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We all die in the end.
"I have to go?" Flashbacks of my 8 year old self being taken away by what I called "the evil guys" they grabbed me by my arms and told me I was just a tool, Just a tool for their worthless fights. I was a pawn and I knew it. Our group. 7 beautiful young women all sold to some secret men who needed us to do their dirty work. Everyday we lived like we were in the military, We were slapped, hit, punched, kicked.. pretty much anything you can name as a form of abuse we went through it. We slept on foam pads and had no blankets. I always thought every night "If i just die i wont have to deal with this anymore" I was so young, Way to young to be feeling that way. Instead i should've been out with friends at the park, But i was stuck, stuck in hell. Every war remains in my head, every single person i murdered in chance thinking id get my normal life back but no. it never happened and im never getting out so long as im alive. We step onto the battlefield for at least the 20th time and pull out our shotguns all of us at 17 years old. With guns. murdering people, We all wanted better but nothing ever comes good when your living the life we do. All you hear constantly is gunshots and bombs even in your sleep its so traumatizing. And so, as i take my final breaths, i thought to myself "Well, don't say i didn't warn you" I fall lifeless, finally a escape. I lived through hell and back and now im free. Free from a worthless life held by nothing but a body. No soul at all.

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