I am once again attempting to set the group precedent of hating the CCP.

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Kidnapping and mutilating children to force to be beggers is common in China, as is not helping them because in China, other people's problems aren't your business. Poverty was "eliminated" by lowering the requirements to 400 usd a year, and the ccp fosters a culture with no empathy, so people will do anything for money, even sell poisoned, or tainted food.

Mass stabbings at kindergartens by upset businessmen is almost as common as government oppression, which is worse if you're a minority like Uyghurs, Tibetans, etc. They want to erase all cultures but Han Chinese, and even erased that culture for a version easier to control. Taiwan is a country, and has the true chinese culture alive within.

China has very nearly overfished its seas so much that they are barren of life, so they try to fish in, and take control of other countries waters. Chinese tourists have ruined tide pools around the world that used to teem with life, because they will eat anything that moves. They don't care that it's illegal, and local governments usually fail to stop them. They also eat dogs, and cats, and have a yearly festival dedicated to torturing dogs to get the best flavored meat Traditional chinese medicine also destroys countless valuable fossils as "ground dragon bones" and is driving countless species to extinction, with ground scales, tusks, bones, etc being used in medicine. TCM is a leading cause in a lot of poaching around the world. The ccp encourages this to keep the populace dumb and sick.

 The ccp encourages this to keep the populace dumb and sick

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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