My favourite sin

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Author: _moonlight20_

"Get out" I command firmly as I lift up the blade to his neck and smile innocently.

His face remains emotionless, he looks as if this is a regular occurrence for him but soon enough he quickly grabs my wrist that holds the blade, pulls me closer while his other hand grabs my throat roughly.

"Drop it Puttana" He says in a low, warning tone but I only smirk then lean up to whisper in his ear "How about...No" I state playfully but he looks unimpressed.

"Drop. It." he grits out and I just keep the blade in my hand to irritate him further.

I expected for him to rip it out of my grasp but instead he suddenly leaned down and roughly slammed his lips onto mine.

I dropped the blade without realizing until he broke the kiss. His face only mere inches from mine, his breath fanning my lips as he whispers "good girl"

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