Katie Mcgrath x adopted daughter

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You have been recently adopted by Katie McGrath, you couldn't be happier the you were adopted and Katie can't be happier that she adopted you but one thing that Katie has wanted since the day of the adoption is for you to talk, all you do is nod your head and rarely smile. Today Katie is taking you to the set of supergirl where she works, you have no idea about DC or marvel the group home only let you watched educational television but Katie doesn't know this. You both arrive at set and you both get out the car
K- so this is my work, I play Lena Luthor on supergirl
You say nothing but you nod
K- come on there are people that have been dying to meet you
You walk onto set and you are bombarded by a lot of people but you just look down and move away from them
K- hey guys this is y/n my daughter, y/n these are my colleagues and friends
They all say hi and introduce themselves all you do is wave and keep your head down
M- why isn't she speaking?
K- she hasn't said a word to me since I've adopted her but according to the home she was very talkative when she was younger but the longer she was there the less she spoke over the years.
You write something on your new phone Katie got you on notes and you tap her arm to get her attention
K- yes honey?
You show her your phone
U- permission to go to the bathroom? And if I can where is the bathroom?
K- of course you can go to the bathroom you don't need to ask I'll show you
U- I don't want to be a bother just point in the right direction and I'll find it
M- I'm going to the bathroom so I'll walk with you
K- is that ok?
You just nod
M- ok follow me
You look at Katie
K- you can go?
You leave with Melissa
C- ok what's up with that?
K- i don't know she's been doing it all week since we left the home
N- do you think it's because of the home?
K- it might make sense I mean she had no clue who none of us are and practically every teenager does even if they haven't watched supergirl or arrowverse
C- ask her maybe?
K- she doesn't talk...
You and Melissa are in earshot but they can't see you
K- I don't know what to do, contact the home maybe and talk to them about her. I mean the home is the best option.
You hear what she is saying and tears are in your eyes cause you think you're getting sent back
M- y/n...
You run out and Melissa goes to katie
K- hey Mel where's y/n
M- she heard about you sending her back
K- sending her ba— what are you talking about
M- you were talking about the home and that you want to take her back, she got tears in her eyes and ran off
K- I wasn't talking about sending her back I was talking about talking to the home to find out more about her
M- well that's not what she's got from what she heard
K- where did she run off too
M- I think to the Arrow set
K- lets go just in case she isn't
They all go to the arrow set to find you
K- Y/N!
N- I hear music maybe she's over there
They run where they can hear the music and they see you on the salmon ladder
K- Y/N! You're ok!
You get startled and fall, luckily you weren't too high up, you look up at Katie scared and she runs to hug you but you back away in fear and you whisper
U- please don't hurt me
K- honey I'm not going to hurt you
You back away more
K- y/n we arent going to hurt you we promise
U- t-that's what they all said
K- well we mean it we won't hurt you
You shake your head
M- hey y/n, how about we go to Katie's trailer and you can relax and calm down, does that sound ok?
You just nod
K- ok, let's show you to my trailer
She puts her hand out for you to hold but you flinch and she immediately pull away
K- I'm sorry, can you get up by yourself
You nod
You get up
K- come on then
You just stand there
M- y/n why are you just standing there
U- do I have permission?
K- of course you have permission tou don't need permission
You nod and speed walk back to the original set you were at
K- honey wait up
You just stop in your tracks and the rest follow Katie to you
U- sorry
K- why are you apologising
You look at her confused
K- you don't need to apologise
U- s-sorry
She puts her hand up to side hug you but you flinch
U- sorry please don't hurt me
The cast look at eachother confused
K- I'm not going to hurt you, has someone hurt you before?
You just stay silent and walk off and the rest follow you back to set and they see you sitting in the corner on the floor
K- I'm going to take the day off she needs me
C- ok I'll tell the director
Chyler and the cast leave and Katie walks up to you
K- hey sweetie, we are going home
You look up with her with fear in your eyes
K- not the home, my home where you've been living at for the last week
U- are you going to hurt me
K- I would never, I know it will take time to trust me but I will always will be by your side ok?
You nod
K- ok now do you want to go back and watch Netflix
U- what's Netflix
K- It is a place on the internet to watch fun shows and movies
U- oh I was only allowed to watch education documentaries and if I asked otherwise it wouldn't end well
K- oh... well now you can enjoy yourself watching something fun and how about tomorrow we talk about it what you always wanted to do and we do it
You eyes light up and smile and it melts Katie's heart
U- really?
K- yeh up to you
U- thank you
K- you're welcome, now let's go?
U- ok
She puts her hand out you flinch slightly but you take her hand and you go to hers

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