Attractive Vampire boy.

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Frank stood still, as did time in his next door neighbours backyard. He only wanted to retrieve his soccer ball, so It shouldn't take long, he thought, spotting the ball in a patch of long grass.

Of all three years they had lived next door, Frank never really saw much of his neighbours, he knew they had a son, - blonde hair, glasses, was all he could remember of his appearence - but he never saw much of them. They were like neighbours out of some movie, them living in a big dark house they almost never left. They were like vampires.

Frank never really minded, though. The amount of times his mum had made him make friends with the other new coming neighbours was ridiculous. Frank grew up in this neighbour hood, and well, he wasn't exactly pop punk - he loved living here. It wasn't exactly hard for him to: close to the shopping centre, fairly close to the skate park (where he had met a majority of his friends), it was also pretty quiet, which was always a good thing.

Though, it wasn't exactly his favourite place either. Frank had grown up in a fairly nice place, filled with wealthy people, hence his neighbours not being the best company for Frank - it wasn't everyday he could come across anyone similar to him around his house - except for Lyndsey Ballato, the raging punk lesbian and hardcore feminist down the street; she was pretty cool.

Frank picked the ball up from the grass, though something moved out of the corner of his eye and it scared the living shit out of him, well, because he was in his supposed vampire neighbours backyard and he didn't, in fact, carry some sort of wooden stake with him, not today at least.

Though, as he swung to his left with all too much caution, he layed his eyes on a small dog, tounge hanging out and panting in the heat.

And really, what the actual fuck, because no one ever left the house and never once could he recall seeing anyone in that backyard from his window - nor did he ever see a dog - and this almost angered Frank, because who had given them the right to own this awfully cute dog and to leave them outside in the heat whilst they probably feasted on the blood of a million deers, because Frank expected nothing less of them, to be honest.

So, as any human in their right mind would do, he took the dog and ran.


After running through his neighbours gate and through their front yard, Frank hoped no one was home because he didn't want them to know he stole their dog and he most definetly did not want them to tell Franks mum.

Frank sat in his shed with Bella - yeah, he thought she needed a name, and well, Bella just seemed to fit. Already, had he made her a bed of blankets, applied her with food and water and even found her some toys - he had tried his hardest to make it feel like home, because Frank sometimes thought that dogs were better than humans, and really, it was kind of true as far as he was concerned.

Frank had been paying full attention to watching Bella before hearing the mutters of someone next door. "But how could've he gotten out?" A voice stressed. "I don't know, Mikey." The second voice had sounded annoyed. "I know you love it to bits, Mikes, but you'll just have to either search, or wait until she comes home, if it does."

And only then, had it dawned on Frank that he had just taken a dog from it's loving owner all because he made assumptions. He had to return her, though he didn't want to, she probably missed her owners and it was the right thing to do.

Frank couldn't just throw her over the fence, though and he most definetly could not let his neighbours know that he had stolen their dog. He had basically kidnapped a member of their family.

So maybe, he would return her tomorrow, because then he would have the chance and he got to spend time with Bella before it was time for her to go. Frank always wanted a dog, but his dad was alergic to them and even after he had left them, Mrs Iero didn't allow him to have one.

Frank sort of had one when he was ten, though. He was called Sweet Pea. Of course, this wasn't Frank's dog, it was someone that lived down the road's dog, but never did he turn down an opportunity to walk Sweet Pea or to hang out with him.

Frank always thought he would have been a good dog owner, he would have payed attention to them and everything, though his mum always said he could never take care of a dog 'until he could take care of himself'. Though, his mum should have been told the same before bringing a child into this world, he thought.

Because as long as Frank was apart of the Iero household, he would always be nothing other than, maybe, just a kid under a roof.


The next day had rolled around and sure enough, Frank had to return Bella.

He had her in his arms, ready to leave her on their doorstep or something.

And it was 'goodbye Bella' as Frank propped her down, not long after did he realise that she'd might run away if he left her there.

"Ugh." He picked her up, and with one arm free he rang the doorbell of the way house. The house was really dark. It even had a sort of dark feeling to it.

The house had always stood out amongst the others in the neighbour hood. Frank could even recall thinking it was haunted when he was younger, he gave a small laugh at the memories.

Not long after, Frank heard a small 'click' at the door, followed by another, and then the rustling of the door handle. "We don't do sales." Somebody spoke all too fast, not even putting in the effort to opening the door enough so that Frank could see his face - or maybe he put all to much effort into making sure that Frank couldn't see his face. Frank really couldn't tell.

"No, actually. I'm- I have your dog." And what was probably seconds after, he heard the third 'click' from behind the door, again, the door handle rustled, though this time the door opened.

This was different, though. Because instead of being met by a young blonde boy, instead he was met by a greasy black haired fucking vampire. And well, when Frank was thinking of vampires before coming to this house, he wasn't half serious, because that would be ridiculous, no.

But this kid looked like the real deal, and Frank truly thought to be met with fangs not long after.

"Hello?" The semi-vampire boy spoke. Franks eyes widened, he had been staring.

"Sorry, uh," what was he going to say again? "Is this your dog?" He mentally facepalmed.

"Yeah..? Yes! Mikey, get down here!" A basic stick monster ran down the stairs.

"Pete! Oh my gosh, where did you find him? How? Is he okay?" Mikey took Bella from Frank. "Well, thank you, neighbour." The vampire-as-fuck boy spoke up, showing Frank his half smile.

"No problem." Frank left Bella with her rightful owners.


yes ok I couldn't think of a name so I named the dog Pete ok sue me
I'm not even sure why I'm writing this. Another 4 am idea :')
& no this isn't a gerard!vampire thing don't get ur hopes up plS

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