The Vacation

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Third POV :

Ash groaned as Pikachu's thunderbolt attack hit him. He was having such a good dream in which him and Serena were getting married, enough said. That reminded him. He and Serena had officially been a couple before they went their separate ways. It seemed that Serena had reciprocated his feelings all along. Who knew? It was hard to contact Serena when he was in Alola as their was weak internet reception, and when he returned to Kanto, Serena was going through a rough time. She had only 4 ribbons out of the five and she wanted no distractions during the final Contest of the season.

When Ash began working as a researcher in Cerise Laboratory, Serena's Grand Festival was coming up, so Ash gave her a big hearty good luck with his usual charming smile and contacted Serena rarely ever since. But, a month ago, Serena's calls stopped coming and no matter how hard Ash tried, he couldn't contact Serena in any way.

Chloe called him and Goh for breakfast and they both vanished, getting ready in 10 seconds. Was that even possible? Nevermind, nothing makes sense around Ash. Chloe was in her casual clothes, calmly eating breakfast. Her school had announced a temporary closure so that everyone could have some free time and spend time with their families. Some went to watch the Grand Festival in Hoenn.

Ash sat down next to her and just like her, ate breakfast slowly and calmly. He had realized how he had bad table manners and how he used to eat and speaking while eating was rude. He had matured since his Alola days. Mainly because of Kukui and Burnet. Kukui and Burnet acted like his parents. He missed them both. Mostly Kukui as he hadn't felt a father's love in so long. That reminded him. He was going to turn eighteen in a couple of days. That meant that he could finally open his father's last present.

FlashBack :

Red shouldered his backpack and walked towards Ash who was silently crying. He had just told them how he was a danger to them and so, to protect them, he would have to move away. But one day he would return. Delia and Ash were both praying for that day.

Red kneeled down to Ash's level. "It'll be okay kiddo. Tell you what? There's a compartment in your room. You'll understand how to open it when you get older. Promise me that you'll open it only when you turn 18 and not before that. If I'm not here by then, it's my last gift to you."

Ash only sobbed harder. "I promise that I'll only open it when I turn 18." Red gave one last kiss to Delia and walked away.

FlashBack End 

He was excited to say the least. He could finally see what gift his dad had given him. His dad was the strongest trainer in the entire world, being the Pokemon Master. It was actually because of him that he had his goal. Before going to sleep on the day before he was going to get his starter,  he was watching a match between his dad and Bruno. Whatever his dad had for him in store, it was going to be awesome. Look at his 10th birthday present for example. His dad had given his a Pikachu, who was the son of his Pikachu. Ash later found out that his Charizard, Bulbasaur and Squirtle were the sons of his dad's same respective pokemon. He shook out of his thoughts.

"So professor, do you have any project you want us working on?" He questioned the professor of the laboratory who was eating breakfast with them. "Not now Ash. I'll have one ready for you in the evening." Ash was slightly disappointed but nodded. He knew that the professor was very busy and tried to help anyway he could. Whether it be brewing a cup of coffee, or sweeping and mopping the lab, he tried to help everytime. Ash even originally declined the money that came from his job, but Cerise didn't agree. Ash tried to explain that he was doing it of his own free will and that there was no need to pay him. But the professor didn't relent and so Ash had to accept the pay that came with the job.

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