The Return

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You could see something deep within yourself. Something dark and looming.

You could hear a whisper. It was low and hoarse.

You could feel a chill. It came from underneath your skin.

You tasted blood. It was not your own.

You could smell smoke. It never really left your nose.

You knew there was something wrong with you. Even though you escaped Apocalypse's destruction of your world and came to this one, you could still see, feel, smell, taste, and hear everything from that day.

Your name is Y/N L/N. Your field name is Tag. You have the ability to copy other powers with just a touch. By doing so, you also get all the memories if the one you "tagged".

You and your team traveled to this world after yours was destroyed by a great force known as Apocalypse. You found the X-Men of this world and joined them to pick up where you had left off.

You fought a few bad guys here and there. The Brotherhood of Mutants was rough. You got a girlfriend, Laura, and you even met another you.

But in the end, you're still the same scared kid.

So you decided to do something about it. You started to search for something after being placed on trial for your so called "crimes".

You followed a trail of clues with another mutant known as Sage. Granted, you had to "leave" the X-Men. Only a few knew the truth.

You needed to find who was running Shadow-X. Who the traitor among the X-Men was.

But you finally found the truth. And now, you were ready to go back to Xavier's School for the Gifted.

You were ready to go home.

Season 3

Y/N: Looks like New York hasn't changed much.

You leaned back in the backseat of Domino's car. Sage was in the front and Domino was driving.

You were finally heading back to the mansion for the first time in months. You were so excited to see everyone.

Well, almost everyone.

But you were excited to see one person in particular. Your mind was on Laura.

You couldn't believe how long you've been together. A whole year. You had never had a relationship like this.

How funny that you had been hung up on Jean for so long.

But you could say with certainty that you did love Laura.

You couldn't wait to see her.
The first thing you learn is how to be alone. You learn, or suffer. It is an easy lesson. You suffer more when people are around.

People make you feel alone. And loneliness is a quiet wound.

Laura thought this as she walked along a deserted road along Interstate 80. She held her bag to herself while her mind wondered.

She had left the mansion just a few days ago. She couldn't just wait for you to come back. She felt awful for leaving a note behind, but she thought you would be better off if she was just gone.

You had enough on your plate. You didn't need some broken person dragging you down.

She heard a vehicle driving up behind her. It slowed to a stop and the window rolled down to reveal a nice looking man. He offered a kind smile.

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