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"This is all just a new beginning. Who knows where we'll be in the next couple of hours or couple of years. Live your life as if no one is watching. Live for the now." Cameron says, finishing off his speech.

The crowd begins to roar. Who knew that my best friend, could write something so mind capturing.

"We congratulate the Class of 2015." Principal Howard says clearly into the mic. We take off our caps and throw them into the air. I catch mine and hug Cameron.

The arena quickly empties. I step outside, squinting, as the bright rays of the sun hit my hazel eyes. I somehow manage to find my mom and she tears up as I approach her.

"C'mon mom. We said no tears, remember?" I say, gently pulling her into my arms.

She sniffles.

"I know, Alison. Your father would've been so proud of you." She says in between cries.

"I know." I say, kissing the top of her head. I feel my throat filling up with tears but I manage to push them back and keep my head up.

"There's my two favorite girls." A familiar voice says behind my mom and I. I turn around to see Cameron standing there, a big smile planted on his face.

"Nice speech Cam. I didn't know you could come up with something so good." I say, lightly punching his shoulder.

"Ouch," he says, "but thanks Alison. I guess I was so mesmerized by leaving this place that I basically bullshitted my way through that whole speech."

"Now that's the Cameron I know." I say, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"Pose for a picture you two." My mom says, fishing through her bag for her camera. She takes it out and points it towards us.

Cameron and I smile. She takes the picture and that's when it finally hits me. I'm finally out of the place that I've dreaded for four years and soon, I'll be moving out of this state and into a whole new city with Cameron.

Gina and Sierra approach us, greeting both my mom and I.

"So Cameron," my mom asks, "what are your plans now?"

"Well Mrs. Greene, as you know, I plan to move out to Los Angeles with Alison and pursue my dream of acting, while she pursues her dream of becoming a professional photographer." Cameron says.

"I'm so proud of both of you." My mom says, the tears starting up in her eyes again.

"When are you both leaving?" Sierra asks.

"We leave first thing tomorrow. So we better get packing." I say.

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