a new beginning

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Credit to tanaka the rabid dog on tiktok for the inspiration https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8fyWSXF/

Izuku:today's the day my whole life changed for the better or worse is yet to be decided it all started with a doctor's visit to see if i had a quirk i got told i didn't have one it broke my heart to know i couldn't save people like heroes do i know i couldn't be the next all might i was planning on being an underground hero like eraserhead

Tomura:i was told to watch over the doctor for my master all for one i was told he could breathe plasma the plan was to lie to him and for the doctor to say he had no quirk i saw it as cruel when he told me the kid would be bullied and possibly told to kill himself so i decided to take over and bring him to our side he would make a great  addition and make taking over mich easier

Izuku: i'm still crying but i'm getting over it since i knew i wouldn't be that well known anyways and wouldn't be missing out on much i do see a small figure running across the car he looks my age i wave at him it looks like he's going to wave back but the ground starts to crumble and the car gets stuck the kid walks up and to the door where my mom's at and makes her and the door disintegrate he climbs into the car and comes toward me tears start rushing out of my face he says he won't hurt me and tries to comfort me which he's surprisingly good at i do start calming down after a little he has this energy around him that makes him feel like a parent comforting a child who scraped their knee he tells me he'll take me somewhere better where i won't be prejudiced for being quirkless

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