Chapter- Speed and Ice

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Sorry for any spelling errors! And thank you for 7k views! It means a lot! I know I'm late on updates and I know a lot of you guys dropped this book because of that, I'll explain more at the end of this chapter! So on with the chappy
Gray's POV

Juvia hugged my arm with all he might while she squealed, Ino attempted to do the same but Juvia threatened to murder her if she came close to me. I let out a sigh and fought the urge blushed having Juvia so close to me, well I should be use to this by now since she pretty much does this every day. I watched as lady Tsunade pulled two names out of the boxes.

"Rock Lee vs Gray Fullbuster"

It was finally my turned. "JUVIA WISHES GRAY-SAMA THE BEST OF LUCK!!!" Juvia shouted as I went into the battle area. Lee soon came in as well, I really don't know much about him... All I know is that he looks like an idiot... "Wish me the best of luck my sweet cherry blossom!!!" Lee said blowing a kiss to Sakura, she dodged the hearts coming towards her and pushed Naruto in front of her. The hearts landed right smack on his lips. Naruto ran around screaming that his lips lost their virginity. Lee cradled himself on the ground whispering the same thing and how Sakura was suppose to be the one to take their virginity.
I sighed wishing that the battle would start already.

"NARUTO SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH ALREADY!!!! AND LEE GET OVER IT!!! ITS YOUR FAULT FOR BLOWING A KISS AT SAKURA!!!" Tsunade shouted. Naruto automatically stopped running around and screaming and sat down while Hinata comforted him. Lee rocked himself one last time before getting up. Lee wiped away a tear. did he just cry for something so stupid!?

"Good luck Gray!" Lee said giving me a thumbs up. "You to" I said getting into position. "Let the battle begin!" Tsunade said, I hit my palm with my fist. "Ice make, lance!!!" I shouted. Multiple ice lances headed towards Lee at fast speed, to tell the truth I didn't know what Lee's power was, the topic never came up whenever we talked, he already new my power before hand. Lee jumped out of the way, easily dodged all the lances. "Go Lee!!! Show him how strong you are!!!" Tenten cheered from the side lines.

"C'mon ice princess is that all you can do?!" Natsu shouted with his arms crossed. I gritted my teeth. "The battle just started flame brain!!" I shouted back, Erza glared at him making him shut up in fear. I turned back only to see Lee charging at me. "leaf hurricane!!" Lee shouted ready to high kick me, I positioned my self to take the blow, but nothing. Lee hit me with a low kick. I flew back, he kicked my stomach making that attack, I spit out blood. I slammed into a tree making me cough out more blood. So that high kick was a diversion... Smart... But he won't get me twice with that move now that I now his intention...

I got back up from the ground, I have no intention on giving up so easily. I charged towarda Lee, I slapped my fist onto my palm once again, "ice make death scythe!" I shouted forming a scythe jumping up into the air to attack him from above, "hehe, you'll have to be faster then that if you want beat me" Lee said dougeing the attack. "Leaf great whirlwind!" Lee said charging at me, "ice make shield!" I said using the shield to cover me, in a matter of seconds my sheild was broken, the power of Lee's kick caused it to shatter.

I jumped back, my ice moves don't work on him... damn... he'll just douge direct attacks and destroy anything I use to assist me... I curled my fist, and closed my eyes in frustration. Think...! Think! -I've got it! I can use that move...

"Ice make... unlimited: one sided chaotic dance!", ice formed in a blink of an eye, using my magic I created swords that swirled in a spiral pointing at Lee, on my signal they quickly attacked Lee, blocking every way of escape.

"Ice make canon!" I grabbed rubbled for amo and shot it towards Lee who had no where to run. The rock had directly hit him on the stomach making him fly backwards onto a tree. Blood dripped from Lee's mouth, "well played..." Lee said getting back up with a hand on his stomach, "preventing me from moving and using a long distance move... thats a very smart move".

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