Go Big or Go Home

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Chapter One:

I was always described as a normal, level-headed person. No one saw me completely; they would only catch glimpses of me during our 'always' short interactions. This perk allowed me to get through life easier. Albeit, a boring life, uncluttered of people to call friends. But boring equaled simple, and as Occam's Razor states "the simplest solution is almost always the best."

I lived by that saying, working hard not to overcomplicate anything. But the universe had a habit of laughing at my feeble attempts at peace. However, for the first time in my life, I had the option not to go at it alone.

Looking over at my blonde bombshell friend, I tried to remember when we first met. It was in college, a dark time in my life. I had no friends and spent most of my time alone. She changed that, and I will always be grateful. The stereotypical perky blonde party animal, that could not be tamed. Me being the complete opposite, we somehow managed to click instantly. The second we met, we were stuck and as thick as thieves.

She brought me out of my shell, and I calmed her down. Macy taught me how to live in the now and not obsess over things outside of my control. But she also taught me to speak up about the small things. Small things could be missing underwear or random calls in the middle of the night. But these things constantly happened in my life, and she made me a regular at the police Station. Though, I've had to pull Macy's ass out of there many times. "What tf is wrong with you!" She'd always scream "What has to happen for you to take us seriously."

You don't want to know how many threats of imprisonment we'd get every time we'd venture in. This didn't keep Macy from dragging my ass back the second something fishy happened. She said receipts are important, and if anything, they might dissuade some of the weird shit that was happening in my life. Though while she was cautious, she also taught me how to be free. I'd take her kayaking and she would take me to a new brunch spot. It was a beautiful, mutually beneficial friendship. 8 years and 6 failed relationships later and we are closer than ever but let me get back to the now.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you." I could feel myself smiling hard as I screamed off-key, trying my hardest not to laugh. I looked up at my best friend glowing at the attention she received from the people in the restaurant. Her being the extra ass person she is, had organized a mini choir of the people inside the restaurant. I normally wouldn't be out in the open like this, but she kept me going when everything and everyone failed.

Gawd, I loved this bitch, she's the sister I would've preferred over my sister-in-law. Preparing my poor vocal cords, I focus on finishing the last note with a flourish. Finally, I allowed myself to laugh my ass off while trying to keep up with the scatter of applause. I haven't been this relaxed in months, I can feel real happiness filling me for the first time in a while. "Damn, I can't sing," I thought picking up my mimosa, my clapping hands stopping as soon as I touched the stem. I knew a migraine would be following this sugary alcoholic delight.

Glancing around the restaurant, I took in the décor. High ceilings, grey columns with gold trimming throughout. Not to mention the marble table tops, this new Greek brunch spot was gorgeous. I would have never ventured here if it wasn't for Macy. Hell, she made us fly out to L.A. for this. Not that our place in Nevada was very far. Pulling myself out of my surroundings and looking back at my best friend, I noticed she had moved over to a group of men.

"Her danger meter is still a little funky" I thought, quickly joining her side making it known she wasn't getting kidnapped today. I put my hand on the small of her back as I looked up at the booth of five fine men. They might be fine, but even a rose can draw blood.

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