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Sometimes it's not about length of our problems it's about their depth.

We should always train our mind to see the things rationally. It's obvious to get stressed out and feel nervous and sad. And it's okay to let the emotions surface up. But it's important to balance our emotions. When you doesn't see a way ahead, try to take things practically and not tragically. Being practical always helps us out to balance the overwhelming emotions. Think. That's what always help. Try to get things straight. Once you are aware of the situation you are in, the uncertainties you are facing, and the consequences of your actions then you are not helpless anymore. Now you have power to manage situations because you understand what's happening.

Once we understand the severity of our situation, we realize our mistakes. We accept the situation and we move through it. And most important point at this stage is learning. All the genuine learning comes through experience. Although we are experiencing painful things, not learning from that experience can give you more pain. It's drastic. Try to learn. The values and morals earned from experiences are worth it. When we realize what life wants to teach us we forgive ourselves,  we forget pain and we forsee the way ahead.

It's said reflecting back is most powerful evaluation. When learn the way out, it's important we act rationally now. Do not put ourselves through something which results us in same situation as before. Evaluate yourself and act stronger than before. That's what life is about. Self improvement and satisfaction.

Think. Learn. Act.
This is what my book is about. 

I m writing this book with very pure intentions. I hope it serves the purpose.


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