Rant pt.1

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In case you dont actually know the world cycle its cause≫effect.

So before we start this can anyone answer the cause of forgetting our childhood dreams and throw them away?

My explanation:
So i just watch 'The Lost One's Weeping' because I saw it in my youtube today. Dont you think that people give to much pressure on us? My parents need my grade to be 90 and up, all the pressure makes us focus on the thing they want us to do making us forget on what we actually want to do. People say "Welcome to the real world!". WTF what do you mean the real world, people say that when you grow up or face challenges, but isn't it also real to have fun or enjoy, do you mean thats just a lie. No its not, because it exists, and no one can ever erase that or call it fake. We all been in the real world ever since we were born because we all faced challenges and also enjoyed life as it is right now, isn't challenges part of enjoying? Pfft adults, I never wanna be one, children are innocent and hold a lot of dreams and dont just drop them because of a simple thing. People also say that being depressed is all your fault and not anyone else's, F that if no one was causing a problem in her life and she's just enjoying her life do you think she would be depression. "The world is cruel yet so beautiful" isnt the cruelty made by us? No one is hunting us not like insects, its our own kind that causes cruelty to each other.

(Catches breath)

Im done! (;-;)/ |_____|flips table

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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