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Something I ask myself a lot is, am I nostalgic? I look back at old videos and pictures of myself but it's not me. It's the Tiya who was happy, who had no fears, who knew what she wanted, and who was satisfied with life. It was the Tiya that her parents adored, the one that could easily make friends and didn't overthink everything. However, for some odd reason, I don't think I would ever want to go back to that time. Is it bad that I think I was too happy? I was almost blinded by the reality of the world and I don't think that's a good thing. I think that you need to know those realities so that you don't give yourself false hope for the future. So am I nostalgic? Well I have no idea and I don't think that I ever will know, but what I do know is that some small part of me does wish that was that Tiya.

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