Our story

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Luna's view:
As the sun set, the sky was on fire with various shades of mauve. The sunset reminded me of him. I imagined him with me. If he only knew. I walked along the beach and that's when I saw him. We made eye contact and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He walked up to me and said "I know your secret".  "W-what are you t-talking about?" I said. "I know you have the ability to be invisible and can create force fields" Jace said. Everything around me was getting dark and dizzy.When I woke up I was shocked where I was. I woke up in a room with blue walls, posters with cars and video game stuff. "I was worried about you," said Jace. I instantly jumped up and gave him a hug. I hugged him for a minute and then let go. "Sorry" I said.  "What are you sorry for?" "I'm sorry I hugged you and thank you for taking care of me" "Anytime, moonshine." It had been such a long time since he called me that. Jace and I used to be best friends and we have nicknames for each other. My nickname for him is tiger and his nickname for me is moonshine. I love it when he calls me moonshine. It had been a long time since he called me that. There was dead silence in the room for what seemed like forever.

I looked around and I noticed on his dresser he had a picture of us from a few years ago. "You still have the picture?" I ask. "Of course, I will never forget  the day we dressed up in matching Halloween costumes." He said. We talked for a few hours catching up. I told Jace I've had my powers my whole life and how I was able to hide them for such a long time. I told him that I haven't even told my parents. It felt just like old times talking but then I remembered why we drifted apart in the first place. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing," I said. "I know something is wrong Luna." It's like he read my mind (little did I know he actually did). "I just remembered why we haven't hung out because of what happened." I say. "I wish the incident never happened. It's so hard to forget that day and every time I remember what happened that day I start to get tears in my eyes. We drifted apart after that." I tried to hold back tears but it was no use and before I knew it I started to cry. Jace came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.I felt safe in his arms. "I'm here for you no matter what I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you again" he whispered in my ear.  "Thanks tiger it means a lot to me" I say. "You're welcome moonshine," Jace walked me to my house next door and we said good night.
When I woke up my parents left a note saying they had to go do some stuff for work which meant I was home by myself. I used to love being home alone but it hasn't been the same without Kat. Kat was my twin sister and built in best friend.We would do everything  together. The last few years have been hard  for me because she hasn't been around. So I went back upstairs to my room and decided to watch Alexa and Katie on my ipad. I was half way through an episode when I heard a bang on my window. I thought a bird ran into my window by accident (again), but when I opened  my window I was surprised to see Jace.

"Hey what are you doing?" he asks. "Nothing I'm by myself for the day.Why do you ask?" "Wanna go grab something to eat  and then go to the beach?" "Sure I'll get dressed and I'll come over in 15 minutes" "Sounds like a plan moonshine." I was really happy about hanging out with Jace. It feels like years since the last time we hung out. The last time we hung out with each other was our sophomore year. We went to the movies with our friends Milly,Asher, and my twin sister Kat. We all used to be best friends, but once Jace started hanging out with the wrong crowd we slowly drifted apart. Asher moved to a different state so it was just me and Milly for a while.Sadly Milly ended up going to a private school and we tried to hang out on the weekends but she could never meet up because she was "too busy". I found out the hard way that she became friends with the wrong girls and she wasn't the same Milly I once knew. At that point I was on my own and my twin sister Kat was my best friend until that day. I met Jace in his driveway and we were off to go eat. The car ride was quiet until halfway to the restaurant.

"We're finally seniors," he said. "Yeah, I guess," I say. "You don't sound very excited," "My high school experience hasn't been the best I hoped for," I said. "I'm glad it's going to be over soon," I added. "Why?" "Because I had a crappy experience!" I yell. "Our friend group fell apart with Asher moving, Milly betraying me, and you going into the wrong crowd! Asher and I are still in touch and we were always there for each other when it was rough. You were never there when I needed you! Kat and Asher were always there for me. After the incident with Kat I felt so alone. Asher came to visit a few times and those were the only times  never felt alone." "I never knew you felt this way Luna I'm so sorry." "How come you never told me until now?" "I thought you didn't care because you were so occupied with your new friends. I thought you forgot about us," I say. The words stung when I said them outloud. "I would never forget you moonshine, that's a promise. You are very important to me. Also I thought you all hated me after I left you hanging out to dry." "I did hate you at first, but I had faith that you would come to your senses and realize what was really happening. Also for the record you are important to me too." I gave Jace a small smile. I never knew how important I was to him until he said it. I used to think I was important to him but once he started to hang out with the wrong group of friends I lost faith in him. I start to get tears in my eyes again because the pain I had felt in the last few years came back. "What's wrong moonshine?" Jace asks. "The pain hurts" I say.

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