The Beginning

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The streets of Kuoh were as packed as always. People of all ages walked down the sidewalk, some with briefcases in hands, others holding the hands of their loved ones, and others holding nothing at all.

It's interesting how many people you walk past per day and think nothing of it.

All these people have lives, stressful or simple, all of them matter. You could walk past the most important person in existence and not even know it.

So as a male, looking like the average European teenager with dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes, strolled down the streets in a Kuoh Academy boys uniform with a backpack on his back.

So as a male, looking like the average European teenager with dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes, strolled down the streets in a Kuoh Academy boys uniform with a backpack on his back

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As the European teenager continued walking he then too soon approach the school Gates of Kuoh Academy

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As the European teenager continued walking he then too soon approach the school Gates of Kuoh Academy.

As the European teenager continued walking he then too soon approach the school Gates of Kuoh Academy

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(YN) stared at the biggest structure he'd seen so far.

To say it was huge would be an understatement, and that was just the first building. It was made out of brick and in the front was a taller structure that the rest of the building built out from. The black gates had been opened and students along with (YN) were piling in. Some were already on the school grounds doing early morning activities.

(YN):"La scuola è sicuramente gigantesca. È abbastanza facile per chiunque perdersi se non sa come muoversi. (The school is certainly gigantic. It's easy enough for anyone to get lost if they don't know their way around.)" The foreign exchange student said in his native tongue of Italian.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 hours ago ⏰

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