Chapter 6

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A/N: just a reminder that i didn't wrote this on a paper so i may as well have mistake and especially this chapter will be short since no one knows im awake and basically my arm won't move so this will be hard for me ಥ‿ಥ


Colorful words
Bad grammar

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon sun and moon and if i did i would have made them met the Kalos gang And made a movie about it

Kukui POV:

I can't believe it, this is Ash Ketchum? As in the one who saved Kalos!? No wonder he looks familiar.. but i feel bad since he has Amnesia.. i wonder what happened? Kalos is abit far from Alola so something might have happened

"No way Ash Ketchum!?" Shouted Kiawei, Kiawei is one of the fighters in the Pokémon school.

I looked at The boy- i mean Ash Ketchum and he gave a confused look
On Kiawei. Maybe he's confused if they are talking about him huh? I look back at Kiawei and i can see... Sparkles at his back what?

"HOLY SHIT YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I ADMIRE YOUR BATTLE ON KALOS! CAN I FIGHT YOUR GRENIN- OW OW OW!!!"  Kiawei Shouted while getting pulled on the ear by Mallow..
Seems he's a fan, I mean who wouldn't?


Tsuna: shut it your in a wrong fandom]

"Calm down Kiawei, don't scare the Guest" Said Mallow which i look at The boy beside me with a " °∆° " look. ' doesn't look scared to me '   i sweat dropped

I look back at them and i can see Kiawei blushing in embarrassment
I mean who wouldn't?..

"Oh, um by the way sorry about him. He just got excited to know your Ash Ketchum... And umm, what are you doing here on Alola? Are you here on a vacation or something?" Asked the greenette girl which is Mallow

"That's not the only thing, can i ask why there are bandages wrapped on you?" Asked the bluenette girl which is Lana.

"How do I explain this..." Which confused the students..

No one POV:

"How do i explain this..." Said Kukui which made the students confused..

"Well you see... Umm.. this kid here.. got into an accident and had amnesia.." said Kukui while scratching his head..

Everyone gave a confused look until realization has strucked them.


Due to the scream of the students Pikachu accidentally threw his ketchup bottle that Ash gave him.

"Professor what do you mean?" Asked Sophocles (is this the right spelling? I forgot)

" I said he has Amnesia.." which gave the students a shocked look at Kukui

"B-but when and how?.. a few months ago he's ok in Kalos.. did something happened professor?.." asked the blond hair which is Lillie.

" *Sigh* i only saw him in front of the cabin laying on the beach  thanks to Rockruff" said Kukui looking disappointed

Kukui felt bad for the kid because when he saw him laying on the beach, he could see how much blood he loss

Kukui felt bad for the kid because when he saw him laying on the beach, he could see how much blood he loss

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(A/n: this is how he looks like when Kukui Found him. Haha some of you guys imagine this on the vid i made red light green light when the doll shooted Ash on the head- nvm back to the story)

He remembers how the blood won't stop and decided to stitch the scar on Ash's head which is big. He wondered that if this is just really a normal accident? To bad The kid can't remember anything

"To bad we don't know any of his relative.. especially what Region he is.. " said Mallow

"Wait he isn't from Kalos?" Asked Sophocles

" I heard that the reason he went to Kalos is to compete the Kalos league. So basically yes.." said Lillie while looking disappointed..

Everyone is went silent until someone broke it.

"Umm, sorry to ask But.. Ash Ketchum? Kalos crisis? league? Can someone tell me what's going on?" Asked the ravenette Ash with a confused look VERY confused

"Oh, kid your name is Ash. And if you're confused you compete and league on the Kalos league and stopped the crisis.." said Kukui with a sad smile..

"Oh" that's what the ravenette replied

"So professor Kukui what will you do?.. He doesn't have anywhere to live and no one can look after him" said Mallow clutching her hands with a sad look

'what should i do? ' Thought Kukui while thinking about it..

A light bulb pop out of his head and said "maybe i can take care of him" said Kukui

"How can you explain it to professor Burnet? If she thinks he's your secret love child she might as well hit you with a big mallet"  said Kiawei in a pale look, because he doesn't want to see Kukui's wife's demotic side again because he once got hit on the head during class because he broke one of the tables which made Kukui sulk on a corner.

" Don't worry i will explain it to her, she might understand the situation this kid in" said Kukui with determination while having the " Ù‿Ú " face which made The whole class sweat drop

Pikachu jumped on Kukui's shoulder and snuzzle him on his cheek because he is glad someone will take care of his trainer.

The class nodded and went to go home since it's noon.

Kukui and Ash already went back to the cabin, Kukui called professor Burnet. While Pikachu is asleep on Ash's lap while Ash is watching TV

Meanwhile in an unknown place

Two people came down from a jet, which was greeted by other grunts
While walking at a hallway towards an office

"Sir" one of the Grunt said

"So how did your mission go?" Asked the man in the shadows

"Successful sir, no one survived the plane crash. The plane exploded so no one survived not even Pokémon's" said one of the Grunt

The guy smirked and said "Good now that brat is gone, no one can interfere our plans, faking my death is a success" the man laughed and came out of the shadows. He have Reddish orange hair, orange beared..

In the Kanto region

A woman with an orange hair, brown chocolate eyes with a pink shirt and Yellow skirt standing on a shelf holding a frame..

"Mom?" Asked a boy with black hair Red Jacket and a Red and white hat..

He saw his mother holding a frame with 4 person in it. One with a man with grey suit. And a woman with a yellow dress, one boy with a black T-shirt and a Red jacket rapped on his waist while holding a boy with spiky ravenne hair

Red walked toward his mom, and hugged her.

"Mom, Don't worry he's in a better place now, he doesn't want him to see you sad because of him.." said Red shadowing his eyes with his bangs.

"Your right Red, i should stay strong" said Delia..

And Done, oh fuck my back hurts ahhh. Sorry if this is short, I'm kinda on a rush lol hope you enjoy fellas

Words: 1193

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