Chapter 1- Meeting the Mysterious

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Hello everyone. This is my first book and i hope you all like it. In the picture you can see, i chose minal khan as amyra! If u like her as amyra do tell me and if u have better suggestion you can tell me that too :) And as for jeff, i have two of my fav. Plz tell me whom do u like. I know they resemble alot !
Vote plz, tell me whom do u like ?
1- Essa chaudhary
2- Zayn malik
Oh and i like sam claflin too, but as u know jeff has a pakistani background thats why i chose them because both of them are half pakistani. But again, its always you who get to choose so please comment and boost my energy. Please dont be silent. It was really hard to write as it was my first time. Forgive me if there is any grammatical mistakes :)

Let me tell you these things:
1.Salam- Its a greeting for muslims to say when they meet each other
2. Abaya/burkha - Its a black gown type thing which is used by muslims for them to cover them completely. Its always black coloured.
3. Naqab- Covering your face so that only eyes can be seen.

--If u find it hard, please tell me i will explain everything. Keep reading i know u all will love it :)

Chapter 1- Meeting the Mysterious

Jeff's Perspective :

I am sitting in my favorite couch watching Fast6 and I was about to drift off when my dad came. I still doesnt understand why does he bother going to the mosque. See me, I dont even pray at home.

"Hey dad, whatsup?", I asked him while watching TV.

"Say Salam, Its been 17 years and I am still trying to teach you. Is it that hard?", My father said in anger.

Salam. Yeah salam. Its a greeting type of thing which muslims do but as i said i am a cool dude and its not part of my charisma.

"Salam dad. Oh whats that? Salamwalekum" I said peeking a look at my dad who was still angered. Even more. I wonder if i said the salam thing wrong?

"Astaghfirullah, Afnan! Its Assalam-o-Alaikum. Anyways, Walekum-as-Salam. I want to talk to you." My dad said smiling. He knew i hate this name thats why he said that. My dad is from Pakistan but my mother is American. She is a muslim too. I was born here but my father named me Afnan. I had to maintain my badboy persona so i changed my name. In school, no one even knows that my name ends with malik or I am muslim.

"Dont call me that, dad. Call me jeff! Isnt it awesome?" I frowned.

"The day you started saying salam correctly, I will think about it !" He exclaimed. "I want to talk to you about your aunt Annie. She invited us for dinner at her home".

"Woah there! The one who lives in Jackson Heights? I wont go there dad. I dont like that place. You can take mom and marina with you. I am not needed amd i have other plans". I told him. Annie is my father's sister and every month she invites us to her house. Marina is my small sister. She is 4 years old.

"I am not asking you kid. I am telling you and thats final! Yes, Marina and Fariha will be going too. And i dont care about your plans. Annie is complaining that you never visits her. I promised her that I will bring you this time", Dad said. "Its hardly 30 mins drive from here. Your holiday will be ending soon thats why she arranged it tomorrow".

"But-" I tried resisting but he cuts me off.

"No ifs and buts, else you will be grounded for 1 month". He interrupted.
He loves grounding me and he knows i will never say anything afterwards.

"Fine" I muttered a swear word. Dad glared at me angrily as he heard me swearing. No one swears in this house. Its unethical, bad, and etc etc.

"Swearing not appreciated, son." My dad said leaving the room. I have no choice but to visit my aunt tomorrow. No doubt, her daughter, Zara, is hot but uncle keeps on eyeing me whenever i tries making a move. Ugh. I turned off the tv and went to my room.

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