Chapter One

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The bag on my back dug painfully into my shoulder, but I did nothing to fix it. In a way, I welcomed the pain. It was a strangely comforting difference from the sucking emptiness I had felt for the past few days.

So here I was, a lost, lonely kid in a whole new world. My home, that was gone. Long gone. The peaceful rolling moors of the Scottish highlands were behind me. Now, I found myself lost in a jungle of concrete buildings, in a country that was not my own.

I glanced back down at the crumpled picture in my cold hands. It was an old black and white, depicting two young men, standing with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. On the back, written in faded blue ink were two names. Jacob Strachan, and then, next to that familiar name, another. Donald Mallard.

It was that second name that had led me to where I stood now. On the pavement outside the Navy Yard in Washington DC. The gate guard had let me in with a sympathetic smile. Now, all I needed was to find the man I had come here to find. I wandered into the entrance, welcoming the warm air against my cold skin. I took in my surroundings carefully, unsure of what to do next, doubts swirling through my head.

"Excuse me? Are you ok?" A gentle voice shook me from my thoughts. Looking up, I saw a younger looking woman in tall black boots and a cute looking black dress. Seeing her, I could only think of the word goth. It fitted, but I wasn't going to say anything. Taking a deep breath, I urged myself to speak.

"I'm looking for a.." I glanced down at the paper in my hands "Donald Mallard?"

"Oh you mean Ducky? I can take you to him! C'mon!" She exclaimed excitedly. I followed hesitantly, unsure whether or not to trust the woman. Her enthusiasm, however, comforted me slightly. She seemed gentle and kind, despite her outward appearance. Her attire intrigued me, she wore a studded choker and black bat earrings. For someone in a federal agency, she certainly didn't seem to look like one.

"Who are you then?" She questioned.

"Isla." I stated simply. I could tell she wanted more, but I didn't feel like sharing.

"Ok. I'm Abigail." She led me down corridors and through large rooms filled with people. I could feel eyes upon me wherever we went, but I ignored them, hoping they would just leave me alone. Eventually, we came to an elevator. She beckoned me in and pushed a button. The Basement. Unease started to plague my mind again. I remained silent, wondering how much trouble I was in if we were going to the basement. The doors slid open to a grey hallway with tiled floors. A pair of metal doors stood off to the left, sliding open automatically as we stepped off of the elevator.

"Ducky?" Abigail called out, stepping through the doors. I stayed a few feet behind her, unsure of what to do. The sign above the door said 'Autopsy' and even that unsettled me.

"Ah, Abby. What brings you down here?" A gentle voice called from within the room. I could hear faint traces of a Scottish accent in the voice. Abigail beckoned me into the room and, slowly, I obeyed. An older man stood behind an autopsy table, clothed in a blue gown and gloves. Even after so many years, I recognised him. And that alone calmed me. It didn't even bother me that the table was occupied, not anymore.

"Hey." I managed to speak quietly.

"Isla? What on earth brings you here my child?" He rushed out from behind the table, pulling off his gloves and gown, tossing them into a bin. He enveloped me in a tight hug, and, as much as I hated physical touch, this felt comforting. Eventually, he let me go and stood in front of me, waiting for my answer.

"They're gone." I said.



The brief exchange was all we needed. Relieved that he understood, I finally let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.
"Where are you staying?" He asked. I shrugged, unable to make eye contact. I didn't need him to know where I'd been.

"Isla, tell me you aren't.." He began. My eyes snapped up to meet his and he needed nothing more. "I haven't much room in my new apartment. But I could fit you in.." he trailed off.

"It's ok. I don't want to intrude. I just.." I trailed off also, fishing a small box from my pocket and handing it to him.

Wordlessly, he opened it. Inside were multiple photos of the same two young men from the photo I still held in my hands. And, underneath all those, a medal. Carefully, Ducky lifted the small thing from the box, letting it glint in the fluorescent lights.  My eyes travelled to Abigail, who stood quietly a few feet away, watching with wrapped curiosity.

"Are you supposed to be here?" Ducky asked quietly, still watching the medal in his hand.


"Will you stay?"

"I don't know.. maybe"

"You should. I may not have much room but you'll fit." I sighed. I hadn't given much thought as to my next step.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course my dear! I must finish here first, but I can work something out after." He glanced back at the body on the table. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to see this."

"It's ok." I shrugged. In truth, I was used to death. Another dead body didn't phase me.

"Abigail, could you take young Isla up to your lab and keep her busy while I finish up here?" Ducky asked.

"Of course!" Abigail said excitedly, already bouncing up and down slightly. I reluctantly waved goodbye to Ducky and followed Abigail back into the elevator. The elevator ride was shorter this time, and the doors opened to an orange corridor  leading into a cool looking lab. The walls were decorated with pictures of cells through a microscope and what seemed to be a coloured x-ray of a spine. There were instruments dotted around the room and two desks in the centre of the floor.

"You can put your stuff down in the corner in the other room there. You can have a seat if you want, too." Abigail pointed through a set of glass doors to a desk.

I nodded and set my bag down gladly and flopped happily into the chair. I took in my surroundings again, letting my breath even out and my body calm. For the past week, I had never been able to relax, always looking over my shoulder. But now, I felt safe again. Safe from everything that wanted to hurt me. Safe from the world. And then, I realised how tired I truly was, how much I had been denying myself sleep in exchange for feigned safety. So now, in a warm and comfortable chair in a place that felt so safe, I let myself fall asleep.

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