chapter | 68

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──────L U D I C R O U S[ chapter 68 • a letter that destroys everything ]──────

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[ chapter 68 • a letter that destroys everything ]

I STARE AT the opened history textbook until the words start to blend into each other, not seemingly making any sense. I frown in disdain, twisting the pen between my fingers as I tried to study. But it wasn't working, I attained no information at all.

Why was it that whenever I actively tried to be a good student and study, the information bounced off my forehead and back onto the pages of the textbook, leaving me more confused than before?

Sighing heavily through my nose, I lean forward and pick up my phone, hoping Atalie finally texted me back. I had texted her earlier, asking her if she wanted me to drop her off at school tomorrow since it'll be her first day back since everything, but she didn't reply. She's been really distant the past few days, and I'm just hoping I didn't do anything wrong.

My bedroom door creaks open interrupting my train of thought, and I look up. A tried smile graced its way onto her face, her blue scrubs wrinkled as she leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms.

I upturned the corners of my lips, placing my phone on my desk. "Hi, momma. How was your day?"

"Exhausting like every other day. Yours?"

"Scary," I reply. "Ophelia dragged me to a tea party earlier. Her friends put glitter in the cupcakes and fed them to me. They practically turned me into a glitter bomb."

My mother smiles, her shoulders shaking as she began to laugh. "That little girl is too much. Oh, Atalie was just outside," she says.

"Wait? Really?" I get up from my desk chair, the smile on my lips growing bigger just at the thought of seeing her — maybe just maybe she's still here.

"Yeah, she wanted me to give this to you," she says. "Is everything okay with you two?" Her words make me halt in my actions. I watch as she walks into my room, holding a white envelope.

I lick my lips, frowning. "What makes you think that?"

"She was crying Kio in my arms, and just looked so heartbroken and exhausted." My mother says as she intensely stares at the envelope. "That poor girl has been through hell and back, she shouldn't have to go through anything else."

"Momma, she means the world to me. I will never do anything to hurt her."

She nods. "I believe you, sweetie. I just thought maybe you two had a bad breakup."

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