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In a distant land filled with beautiful scenery a splendid young woman with silky smooth ashen hair stood and took in the view laid before her. Who is this wonderful woman, you may ask?

It is I, Elaina Celesteria.

Yes, I am the magnificent woman currently appreciating the sight presented. I've seen this scene countless times, but it will never become any less marvelous to me. It holds a special place in my heart, after all, as it was the first landmark my beloved mother and I have explored together.

I only have one meagre day until I have to depart to Japan to attend a school I was all too eager to attend. A rather peculiar school, I must say, as it forbids outside contact. I will miss my mother and father, that is for certain, however I will be sure to tell them tales of my experience.

Of all the countries me and my family have travelled to, Japan might be the least we've visited. So I'm very curious too, moreso than my excitement to experience Japan. I imagine the entrance examination will not be easy, though I'm confident I can pass. Travelling has not made me slack on my studies and hobbies, after all.

I can't help but giggle to myself. After 16 years on this planet having as much freedom as I do, to be placed so suddenly in what seems to me is a restrictive and strict place is quite laughable, and I'm interested in how I do in such an environment.

I am excited. Very much so.

April 9, 20XX.

I bid farewell to my parents for a final time as I board the plane with my luggage in tow, the cabin crew standing aside as I make my way to first class. Didn't they go overboard this time...? I sigh in exasperation. They always wanted the best for me but I didn't expect a first class ride..

I shrug, no matter.. I store my luggage in the proper compartments and sat down on the rather comfortable seat as the cabin crew came and went, offering me sundry kinds of services. To be honest, I was not prepared for this and it is quite embarrassing....

April 10, 20XX.

I spent my first day in Japan exploring it's capital, Tokyo. It's nothing as I imagined, however the traditional tourist attractions are more than satisfactory. I took pictures and jolted the experience down in my diary without fail, not even a week since I arrived and I'm already excited to tell my parents all about it, I chuckle at myself.

With satisfaction I return to my hotel room and lie down to rest for the remainder of the day. I still have a ride to catch, after all. I shut my eyes, ready to fall asleep.....

April 11, 20XX.

Before I knew it I had already fallen asleep, the loud ringing of the alarm clock generously provided by the hotel staff having helped me realized it while filling my room as I groggily tapped on it to stop it's frankly annoying ringing. I groaned, flipping over to my back with a yawn and stretch of my arms. My sleep left much to be desired.... But oh well. I need to prepare for school now, and to be frank my core is trembling with excitement. I wonder what kind of people I'll meet, and the experiences I'll go through.

My body refused to cooperate, so I had to drag myself to the shower to bathe. The warm water was relaxing yet proved enough to awaken me entirely. Aaah~ My skin feels so smooth~.... Ah. I should probably focus on drying up.

It took me a short while but I got dressed into my uniform complete with my brooch. I wonder if they'd let me wear it, but that's a matter for future Elaina to worry about, fufu.

I boarded the nearest bus leading to the Advanced Nurturing High School, it's native name is difficult to pronounce so I'll pass on that. Haah... The bus looks crowded and I feel quite a bit of stares directed at me.. Sigh. At least I managed to secure a seat amongst this crowd, spotting an old grandma amongst the standing.

It didn't take a while before I heard trouble. A dispute about... A seat? With the old grandma I just saw? Huh... I watched as a narcissist shut down the arguments given by another girl with the same uniform as me but bigger- Ugh... I dig my face into my palms, shaking my head and looking away, paying no attention to what was going on and as expected, it dissipated not long after.

After what felt like forever, we arrived at my destination. I stand up from my seat and exit the bus, now standing in front of the school's entrance. With a deep breath in, I prepare my pounding excited heart and prepared to make a step – Alright, here comes!

"Wait!" I heard someone say. Geh... They sound like an arrogant brat.. I'll mind my own business, walking away as I glance pitifully at the brown haired student called out by the female student. Good luck, brown hair-san.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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