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[ mahr-uh ]


A goddess of death, the dark, the winter season, and the moon.


[TW-ish Very slight mention of abuse]

The smell of smoke and sweat filled the girls' nostrils as they walked down the stairs. The room was lit with green, flashing light, couches and tables were all pushed to the side, opening enough space for people to dance.

They walked between people who were either dancing like there is no tomorrow, drinking or making out and joined the boys at the back of the 'bar' area.

"Hi boys!" Pansy exclaimed, putting her arm around Blaise's shoulder. "Looking good as always, girls." He snickered, handing them red, plastic cups that were filled with fruit punches.

They all drank a couple more rounds before Pans pulled Mara and Olivia onto the dance floor.

They forgot all of their worries for a couple hours and just let the music take control.

As they swayed to the music Mara was unaware of a certain platinum blonde watching her. He followed all her moves as she jumped to the beat, laughed with her friends.

For him and everyone else she was just the perfect girl, the perfect student, the know it all, try hard– and he hated her so much.

He hated her for having everything he wished for. A perfect family, a perfect friend group, perfect notes... but there were things he didn't know about– her true face she has been hiding for so long.

The party was over around 4 in the morning. All the Slytherins decided to head to their dorms to get a couple hours of sleep before they had to take the train at 9 to get to their homes for the Christmas break.

"Ugh. My feets hurt." Pansy whined, letting her body fall down on the comfy mattress. From the corner of Mara's eye she saw Olivia fast asleep already as she let her body find the comfy blanket before falling into a deep slumber.

The next day, after a long train ride, Mr. Nott picked the group up from the platform before heading to his business trip.

Theo showed everyone their room. They all unpacked their stuff. Except Mara. She has been living in the Nott Manor for so long that she had all her stuff here, in Theo's room, already.

They were lying on the bed when a knock was heard. "Come in." Theo answered, turning around on the bed to face the door.

"Mr. Nott, Minnie wanted to say that the dinner is ready." the little elf bowed her head, not looking at them. She disappeared right after Theo thanked and told her they would be down in a minute.

After dinner they took their seats in the living room playing truth or dare to pass time.

"Truth or Dare Miss Parkinson." Theo laughed suspiciously. "Oh hell no. Truth."

"You are no fun." Theo winned which made Mara giggle who was sitting next to him."Ok. Umm... Fuck, marry, kill. Me, Malfoy and Zabini."

"Really Nott. Very creative." Blaise laughed which made Theo roll his eyes but didn't answer. "Umm... Marry Zabini, fuck Malfoy and kill you." "Hey." he placed a hand on his chest. "I am offended. I am a way better fuck then Malfoy."

And after that Malfoy and Nott got into a little argument on who is the best fuck boy that lasted the whole night.

Even if the question still remained unanswered at the end of the day as both the boys were more stubborn than the other it was pretty amusing to watch for the rest of the group.

the daughter of dark | will continue on @threeamlonelyreaderWhere stories live. Discover now