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The city of Pawley holds many stories. Personally, I could only care about mine. It was a normal day when I first saw it. I had spent my entire life in Pawley, so its appearance didn't make any sense. I was used to normalcy.

To hopefully not drag on, it was an old friend. Of course, that normally wouldn't be so bad. But.. well, how to say.

She's been dead for years.

Under any other circumstances, I wouldn't mind. But she's been dead for so long. How is this even possible? Is she a ghost? Does she want something from me? I couldn't think of an answer, my head was pounding. How? No, why? Why me of all people? Sure I talked to her back then, but didn't she have her family? So why come to me?

"Kelly, who are you writing to?"

"Why are you even looking over my shoulder?!"

"Because you're ignoring me!"

She startled me. And no, my name isn't Kelly. She just likes to call me that. She used to do that back then too. Some type of nickname I think. Well, in her defense, everyone called me that. And most still do. No matter how much I complain or beg, they'll most likely never stop. So after a while, you have no choice but to get used to it.

Even so, I had to focus on the issue at hand.

The dead girl behind me was a friend from grade school. Well, a more appropriate definition would be an acquaintance. She talked to me a lot, but I didn't ever go out of my way to talk to her. So I don't have much of a clue why she specifically came to me.

The issue was, I couldn't exactly remember who she was. It had been so long. This was why currently, I was busy digging my old yearbook out from the shelves.

"Kelly, why are you ignoring me?" I heard the dead girl ask from behind. I was too freaked out to really acknowledge her. So I ignored her, hoping to just continue digging through my bookshelf. It having been the dumping ground of books I hated. Which were most books. So I was taking a bit.

But then suddenly I felt something grab my shoulder, and without any time to react, I was pulled backward. Grabbing onto the bookshelf as I fell.

"Stop ignoring me!"

I doubt I need to say, but I landed flat on my back. The girl has brought me to the ground out of frustration. And along with me, came the bookshelf.

An entire array of books falling all over the floor, most on or around me. But one book, in particular, fell open on my face. Its pages were oddly thick, and it had a laminated feel to it. With a dark blue cover, I knew exactly what this book was.

Thompton Intermediate School, XXXX-XXXX

I had found it by accident.

Quickly, I jumped up from the grave of books. The yearbook was opened halfway, so I flipped through the pages, doing my best to try and find her. From left to right, I searched. Until I found her.

"Elaine Rosewater..." I found myself saying aloud. She looked exactly like she did as a dead girl. But I guess I should respect the dead now that I know her name.

"Yes, that's me." I heard her respond, tilting her head towards me.

I took in a sigh, before turning around, examining Elaine. This was the first time I had. I'd taken enough time to look at her before, but not enough to take in anything but her face. So that's why I was a bit surprised to see her wearing a blue knee-length dress, with what I'd describe as what you'd see Alice wearing in Wonderland.

In fact, with her blonde hair, she really did resemble Alice. It was kinda impressive actually. Maybe she was doing cosplay? Who knows. But if she was, she had talent. It was a near-perfect replica.

But, I had to ask her.

Ask her something important.

"Elaine. Why are you here?"

There was a long pause. One that probably only lasted a few seconds, but the air of the room made it feel like an eternity. I waited, curious for her response. After all, why me? Of all people.

"Because you're my only true friend."

My curiosity was just shot, I could feel the pain.

"That's a good point and all, but do you have any idea why exactly you're here?" I asked the girl. I was facing her directly at this point.

"Oh. I see now," She paused for a second or so, to think I assume, "I don't know why I'm here in front of you. All I know is that it's a very vaguely specific type of order."

Her response caught me off guard. Order? From who? I don't want to know, so I'll just gloss over that part.

"Could you elaborate?" I asked Elaine. She'd need to be more specific, her wording confused me.

"You have to help me out, something's been taken from me," She paused again, putting her finger to her chin, "I just can't remember what."

"That sure is helpful."

"Look, I'm only saying what I was told!" She hollered, making her way to attack me.

"I hear you, I hear you! Now put down the pencil!"

It's my own mistake, leaving stationery out so carelessly. But how was I supposed to know a child would come along and try to stab me with them?! Now that I think about it, this isn't my mistake at all! She's just weirdly violent!

Of course, my anger melted away when I saw her yawn.

"Even so, I don't have much of a choice but to help you. Do I?" I stretched a bit.

"I assure you that you don't have to..."

"Too late," I cut her off, "Do the dead sleep or anything like that?"

She paused for a moment, again probably to think. This was something I was curious about. This being my first encounter with the living dead after all.

"Well, we don't have to. But I prefer to."

When she finished talking, I was already walking towards the old closet. It was covered in dust, as I rarely ever used it. I opened the leftmost door, digging around. Until I found a bright red sleeping bag. One I bought as a kid, but only used so often. It was practically in prime condition. There was barely a crease on it.

"You can sleep on this," I informed her, walking into my room and rolling the sleeping bag out beside my bed on the floor, "It should puff out enough you aren't just feeling ground."

She looked puzzled for a good second or two. Before nodding, "Thank you. This does mean a lot."

All I could do was shrug, "Don't worry too much I suppose, this is only a temporary arrangement. It'll only last until we find your missing thing."

She only nodded in response, before laying down on the sleeping bag.

She must be tired... I thought to myself, as I walked out of the room.

"Thank you... Kelly." I heard her say from the doorway. All I did was sigh, turning off the lights, and walking back to the living area.

What is my life becoming now?

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