Ch1: Late Night Visit Pt 1

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This is a story of two ordinary people by the names of Wisteria Wonka and Charlie Bucket who were very well connected.

They were going to be the luckiest children in the entire world.

They just didn't know it yet...


Wisteria came into her bedroom, tired from singing practice with the oompa loompas.

They had a huge rehearsal for one of the elimination songs and Wisteria had almost tired herself out from helping them in the right direction.

Just as she was about to get dressed into her red velvet nightgown that had the white 'w' embroided on the pocket of it, alongside her diaper and red velvet bedroom shoes, Wisteria saw that there was a golden ticket and a note.

She went over to the ticket and picked it up, looking at the golden paper.

As Wisteria was smiling, she then turned the ticket over to the back and she saw a message from her Dad.

"Greetings to you... The lucky finder of this golden ticket from Mr. Willy Wonka!!! I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I do invite you to come visit my factory and be my guest for one whole day! I, Willy Wonka will conduct you around the factory myself, showing you everything that there is to see. Afterwards, when it is time to leave, you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks. Each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat and remember... One well two of you lucky six children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination. Now, here are your instructions... On the first of February, you must come to the factory gates at ten a.m. sharp. You are allowed to bring only one member of your family to look after you. Until then... Willy Wonka." She said, reading aloud as the smile on her face slowly showed.

Wisteria was very excited that she had the first golden ticket in her hands.

Happy tears were dripping down from her eyes.

She was very happy about her father wanting her to tour the factory with him.

Wisteria was known as the guru to the oompa loompas because she, alongside her Dad knew the factory inside and out.

Outside of her room, there were two oompa loompas.

It was Roy and his twin brother Rocco.

Both of them had just gotten back from the secret pub called Olde Ye Oompa.

"This, dear brother is Wisteria Wonka's room. Willy lets me babysit her while he's working." Roy said, cracking the door a little.

Rocco nodded his head yes, in understanding.

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