Chapter One

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Important thing to know for this story: tododeku has an established relationship :,^)

Also I'm going to be winging this as I go along, so you know. There will probably be plot holes lol


It had been a normal day.

Shouto had frantically searched his memory for anything out of place; anything that could point to why he's here. He had turned up with nothing. There wasn't an omen, any brush with quirks, not even a foreboding feeling. Just...nothing.

He had gone to sleep and woken up what felt like five seconds later in the middle of a frozen tundra. Luckily, he could use his quirk to regulate his body temperature, but that didn't stop his bare feet from becoming numb or his mind from reeling at the shock of...well, everything.

For now, he was stuck wandering around, looking for signs of civilization. If he couldn't find anything, he didn't know what he would do. How would he get food? Where would he sleep? Even if he could get a consistent supply of food, he had no way to get back to UA. He would die out here in the frozen wilderness.

But he was getting ahead of himself. For now, look for humanity.

It turned out he didn't have to look for long, since after a bit more walking he was able to spot what looked like a small village in the distance. Relief crashed violently over him; if there were people, there might be a way to get back to Japan.

He picked up the pace, hurrying rapidly towards the small wall of snow and ice. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.

He reached the area, panting from his sprint across acres of ice. The chill of the air in his lungs was a familiar and welcome feeling, and he breathed in deeply to ground himself. Upon closer review, the structure he had seen from afar certainly did seem to be a wall to keep out intruders, built sloppily but effectively. Shouto meandered around the edge, searching for an entrance. Whoever was inside could certainly help him. They had to.

"Hey! Stop right there!" Shouto whipped around to spot a boy around his age racing toward him, spear in hand. The sight of the weapon surprised Shouto enough that he dropped into a fighting position before remembering what he was there for, forcing himself to relax and try to stand unthreateningly. Unfortunately, the stranger had seen his preparedness to fight and taken it as an incentive to act even more aggressively, pointing his spear uncomfortably close to Shouto's head.

"Please, I mean no harm-"

"Who are you? What are you here for? And..." The boy eyed him up and down suspiciously. "What are you wearing?"

Shouto sighed internally. All he wanted to do was get into some warm clothes and get home, but if he had to endure a bit longer standing in the middle of fucking nowhere to do it, he would. "My name is Todoroki Shouto. I don't know how I got here and am looking for a way home. I am wearing..." he actually didn't know how to answer that. "Clothes." He made sure to keep his face expressionless, giving away nothing.

The boy stayed there for a moment, just staring at him angrily. His eyes flicked about Shouto's figure, hesitating on his thin clothes and bare feet, before he let out a noise of angry exasperation. "Come with me, and no funny business!" Shouto would take it, if only for the fact that they were finally doing something other than stare at each other.

The boy had Shouto walk in front, his spear resting menacingly near his back. Shouto didn't really understand why this stranger was so paranoid, but he was bringing him to civilization, so he wouldn't complain. Everything would be cleared up soon, anyway, and he could finally go home. Maybe this was all just a bad prank.

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