Son of An American Werewolf in London

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This is a direct sequel to the 1981 cult classic "An American Werewolf in London". 

Background:During "An American Werewolf in London" the lead character/werewolf, David, has sex with Alex, one of the nurses who cared for him in hospital after surviving the first werewolf attack.This film presumes Alex has gave birth to the son of David, the American Werewolf, in 1998. 

Note:The word "son" or "sun" is in the title of every piece of music. The original had the word "moon" in every song. 

Tagline: Beware the Son. 

The film begins in the woods. A deer is standing in a beautiful, moonlit clearing. The deer hears something, turns, looks and runs. The deer is being chased; hunted by something. The audience does not see the hunter as the action follows the deer racing through the forest. As the music builds, the deer is caught and brought down to the ground. As the sun begins to rise for a new day a shadow grows in the deer's dead eye and "Here Comes The Sun" plays over the titles. 

After the titles a thin 17-year old man wakes up covered in sweat. His mother runs into his bedroom and comforts him. The young man sobs in his mother's arms as his nightmares are getting worse. His mother hugs him, says she will call a doctor to help him and tells him "everything will be ok". 

 The son gets ready for school and bumps into his step-father, Dale, on the landing. Dale tells him to grow-up as he is almost a man. Downstairs his mother has made him breakfast. They talk about his 18th birthday coming up in a few days and if everything is ready for the party the week after. The teenager becomes very serious and asks his mother if, when he is 18, she will finally tell him about his father. He knows Dale Stump is his step-father, and a good one at that, but needs to know about his real father. 

Luckily for his mother, the boy's ride to school arrives and she is able to skirt the issue and pack him off while mentioning they will talk about everything later. As the boy leaves the house in suburban Westbury, New York, his mother calls after him revealing his name as "Peter". 

Pete joins his friends in their car and they drive off laughing while listening to "Carry on my Wayward Son". In the house, the mother picks up the phone, dials a long number and starts speaking to "a doctor". The mother reveals her name is Alex and that everything they feared may be coming true. 

Pete and his friends arrive at a normal American high school in the mid-1990s. They park and walk in. As the group of boys walk down the corridor, a group of girls join them and one takes Pete's arm. Ali asks him if he has been dreaming about her again. He laughs it off and says sheepishly he has certainly been having some wild dreams. One of the boys shouts that Pete and the girl have been seeing each other for 6 months and wonders if they have "done it yet". While the rest of the girls tell off the boy, Pete looks longingly at the girl and Ali whispers in his ear that he only has to wait until next week at his eighteenth birthday party. 

Cut to mid-morning and Pete is in history class. Sitting at the back of a hot room he starts to fall asleep. In his dream Pete is in the woods with Ali. They are in the beautiful clearing of his nightmares except in the daylight. Ali says Pete will be 18 as they make love. While they are having sex Ali's ecstasy turns to horror. She pushes Pete off her and runs away from him, naked. Pete follows and hunts the terrified girl through the forest. As he is about to pounce on her he wakes up at school. The class has finished and all his friends are laughing at him for having an erection. 

Later the same day the boys are on the football practice field. While his friends are on the field, Pete is a replacement as he is thin and small. When a player is injured Pete joins the game and "Setting Sun" by Chemical Brothers plays. After some bruising hits, Pete gives a menacing growl, adrenaline floods his body and he lays out the biggest guy on the field on the next play. The coach calls him aside and calls him a late bloomer. 

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