Chapter 1

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"Mewtwo! Show me that Psychic move you learned!"

"Yeah, your so cool! I want to be just like you when I get big!"

Everyone thinks Mewtwo is so great. Everyone except me. I'm the one who justs sits there, watching in disgust. Why does everyone think Mewtwo is the best Pokemon ever and is the new Areceus? They think he's a god of some sort. Why do they think Mewtwo will be the next leader, and if he became leader, will be great and completely change the world? I'd like to see him try. And why do all the young Pokemon of the tribe completely worship him? It may just seem like I'm jealous, but I'm not. Everyone forgets I'm even here, I know I would never gain leadership, unless this world is really becoming what I've expected.

"Hi, Lucario!" A voice called out to me. I sighed. Absol. Every Pokemon in the tribe says she's in love with me, when she obviously has a crush on Mewtwo. But she is pretty, I will admit. But I don't love her. Love is too complicated.

"What do you want Absol?" I sighed in irritation .

"Mewtwo is amazing", Absol murmured dreamily. "He's a great role model for the little ones, don't you agree? I think your father would really like him".

"My father is dead, remember?" I growled. "He's been for years."

"I know that", Absol said. "Do you think I'm stupid?"

At times, yes, I thought to myself. Everyone treated Absol with respect. I'm treated like dirt. I know that if their was some kind of sacrifice of some sort, they'd single me out before it's even agreed. I wouldn't mind it that much. I gave up on society a long time ago. I'm not saying I want to die, it's just that I can't stand this place. I can't believe I was born here. I don't fit in with anybody. I thought about leaving after my father died, but I didn't. When my father died, I had no family left by then, and I was only four years old. My mother disappeared after I was born. My father told me she wasn't ready to be a mother , so she left. He hated to talk about her. I don't even know what she looks like. I had a sister, my father said we looked alike. She died two days after she was born, my father said she had some kind of sickness she was born with, which ended up to her passing. That's the only family I really know about. 

"Hey look!" Absol said excitedly. "Delphox is about to call a meeting!" 

"What for?" 

"I don't know, lets find out", Absol said more calmly this time. As we came up to the oak tree, my vision supported me and I realized Mewtwo was standing next to Delphox. I sighed. Thanks Delphox, for ruining my day even more.

Most of you know I am rewriting this. And this is my shot at chapter one! I hope you all liked it and think this version is better!

This Is War: Book One: "I Don't Trust Him". *New Rewritten Version*Where stories live. Discover now