male bride

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Tend to the hearths, dust the corridor, triple-check the kitchen’s stock for the next evening’s banquet, trim the hedges and shine the chandelier but, under no circumstance, enter the young master’s bedchamber until it is time to retire for the evening. These were the orders Sebastian was given by Ciel. He was sure it was some sort of punishment for having laughed at the adorable blushing boy earlier in the afternoon. After Elizabeth made her way over to prod Ciel on the many wedding gowns she had recently picked out for herself, Sebastian couldn’t help but admire the young master’s reaction from a distance.

Lizzy had been standing, holding a slim, white gown, cinched at the waist before her as she twirled from side to side. The ribbons that sashed through the silky material had Ciel’s cheeks involuntarily heating up when a subtle cough that was so obviously masking a chuckle came from the entrance of the room. Ciel turned to the intrusion, face immediately overtaken with irritance due to the boldness of his butler as Sebastian quickly made his exit.

The demon chuckled at the memory. Yes, this is definitely some sort of punishment. No matter, he was only instructed to refrain from seeing the little lord until bedtime which was now approaching. He gave a soft knock on the door before pushing it open, “Young master, it is now appro-”

“A-ah!” Ciel whipped around from his position in front of the floor length mirror, “Se-Sebastian!”

Sebastian stood in the doorway, face in shock and body unable to move, lest he break the mirage that must have been clouding his vision. There stood Ciel, face a red mess as his arms flew forward to attempt to hide the white dress that now adorned his small frame. Sebastian immediately recognized it as the gown that had Ciel’s cheeks tinted earlier as well. Ah, so this is what he has been up to.

Stepping into the room, he closed the door softly behind him.

“Wh-why are you here so suddenly!? I told you to not enter my chambers!” Ciel clutched at the silky material in his fumbling hands as he twisted the skirt of the dress, knees buckling into each other.

Sebastian tilted his head to the side as he appraised the small boy, eyeing the cinched material that so perfectly hugged Ciel’s petite waist, the wide ribbon that wrapped around him and fell into a bow that cascaded down his behind. Tulle peeked out from beneath the dress, tickling the tops of Ciel’s toes. His shoulders that were exposed from the soft material that so elegantly draped off of them blushed right up as he choked on the proper curses to give his butler.

Sebastian approached the shocked earl, every detail of the image in front of him making him lose a bit more of his faux sanity. Lace patterns swirled around the bodice that clutched desperately onto the delicate ribcage, glistening silky gloves that rolled all the way up past Ciel’s elbows complementing the darling little bride’s choice of wear. The demon swallowed. He was an absolute dream.

“Ah, yes, and I have done just that my lord,” Sebastian now towered over Ciel, watching the little earl writhe in a mix of embarrassment and anger, “but, as you can see, it is now approaching your bedtime. Perhaps you were so caught up in other.. things, the time must have slipped your mind-”

“Do not insult me!”

“On the contrary, my lord,” he leaned down, taking a small gloved hand into one of his own, “I could never insult such a finely dressed lady-”

“You bastard-” Ciel pulled his hand from the Sebastian’s grip, only to be grabbed by his waist and wrenched into a strong grasp before a sultry kiss was planted upon his lips.

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