Under the gun

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NSFW -Angsty 

Tusk Era

They were already half way through the 'Tusk' tour and emotions were running high, only several nights before, Lindsey had lost him temper on stage which resulted in him trying to let lose his anger that he still held against Stevie over their very highly emotional feelings for one another which hade then resulted in Christine chasing him down after the performance and slapping and throwing wine in his face, since then, things were much more tense than usual and everyone seemed high strung, especially Christine and Lindsey.

"How much have you had to drink?" Stevie asked Christine curiously.

"Not enough" Christine slurred drunkenly, staring down in fascination at the empty plastic cup, she knew she was drunk but she sure didn't want Stevie fussing over her when it usually felt the other way around, she guessed the issues now that seemed to linger between her and Lindsey affected her more than she realised "I'm going off up to my hotel room though anyway!" She sighed, really just wanting to be alone, she saw Mick and John lurking and Stevie had been hanging around Mick a lot more lately so she figured they might want some time alone in case they were having another affair  "Good night, don't get too off your face!" Christine said to Stevie, kissing her cheek before getting out of the chair and unsteadily making her way off to her hotel suite.  

She soon was inside, letting the door close behind her as she made her way over the mini fridge, opening it up and then getting down to get out another bottle of whatever was the strongest thing in there, touring with Fleetwood Mac, she needed more mind numbing but she suddenly felt ill and fled to the bathroom, she'd drank too much clearly. 

She was too out of it at first too even barely gasp when she suddenly felt hands lifting her hair gingerly from her cheeks and neck.

"That's a good girl." a half growling voice soothed as she continued to vomit mercilessly. "Get it all up." he continued as his free hand began to stroke her back lovingly. "You'll feel much better soon." he vowed.

"What the fuck?" she managed to choke out, before she began dry heaving.

"It's okay Baby. I'm going to take care of you." he promised and Christine had began to establish, the voice and hands belonged to Lindsey, but why was he there, lurking in her hotel room and now acting like this?

"Why the fuck are you here?" she asked exhaustedly sitting back onto the marble floor feeling embarrassed actually, she hated people seeing her being affected by the toxic lifestyle, especially Lindsey for some reason.

"I go where I like, why can't I be here, you going to attack me again?" he asked, the hurt think and obvious in his deep husky voice. "You can't control me Christine!" he explained, as though she were simple for even asking such a question.

"Are you still angry?" she questioned, trying to sound cold. 

"I want to sort it out, alone!"  he answered, justifying his actions all in the same breath.

"You couldn't just ask? You sneak in here and hide?" she sighed, dropping her head as the bright hundred watt bulb was too much for her eyes to endure at the moment.

"You would have refused." he said knowingly. She sensed his massive body drop behind hers. To her surprise, his strong arms encircled her waste and lifted her to her feet as though she were as weightless as a rag doll.

"Yeah this is so much more sensible." she snapped, squirming futilely against his rock solid chest as he carried her back into the dimly lit bedroom. "Lindsey, let me go, what are you doing, I'm not Stevie, do you want another slap? And don't tell me that it was the only way to get me alone." She questioned as he deposited her gently onto the king sized bed. 

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