Part 1: Through a Window

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February 14, a warm afternoon

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February 14, a warm afternoon.

"Ughhh~..." groaned a boy in dark apparel, contrasting with the vibrant warm colors of the season.

Despite this being the time of love and confessions, Edgar stood by himself against an open window. Just down the hall was Amber's Valentine's party, where a good number of love-sick guests had arrived. The pyromaniac was surprisingly a romance fanatic, and hosted an open invitation opportunity for the bachelors and bachelorettes to finally end their streaks of lonely Februaries. However, the young emo wasn't interested in mingling with anyone on the dance floor. His eyes were hooked outside the window.

"Tall and tan and young and lovely..." sang Poco, dressed in his special Valentine's garb and playing a melody on a quaint little bridge. A few feet away from him stood a tall skinny figure recording him on her phone.

"Ahhhh~..." Emz sighed, twirling her long purple hair, watching with a similar dreamy stare towards the musician.

"The girl from Ipanema goes walking..." Edgar continued the song with his head resting on his palm as he longingly locked his eyes on the purple woman. He was enamored at the sight of the zombie girl. His eyes were locked on her fingers as they swam through her soft locks. Staring at her dark lips made his own quiver, her sharp eyes making his heart tremble. His fist clenched itself in a fist, longing for her hand. The infatuation overwhelmed him as he couldn't notice his scarf form the shape of a heart.

"Emz~..." he whispered, unable to say anything else but her name.

"She's so pretty~..."

"Yea- huh?" he stopped. "WHAT THE-"

Edgar jolted back in a panic, finding himself sharing his spot by the window with his creepy coworker, leaning in a mirrored fashion. Colette, who was the reason he even ended up at this party, dropped to the floor laughing at the red faced emo.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! I knew it! You do like h-" she blurted before a pair of fingerless gloves shut her mouth.

"OH My- Shut up!" Edgar shushed.

He was furious, his scarf inches away from Colette's neck as she muffled her maniacal laughter in his palms. Unable to deny his little secret any longer, he sighed and dropped to the floor dramatically. He looked up at the window, clenching his chest with his scarf scratching the wall. Colette sat beside him smugly.

"Okay, Eddie. Dramatic much?" she teased.

"Shut it, freakshow." he replied frustrated. "Don't you have a dating party to ruin?"

Insult as he may, Colette was now invested, and when she's into something she will never let it escape her mind.

"Oh please, I always go to these parties, this is juicy!" Colette was practically bouncing.

"But this is the first time Amber ever hos-"

Colette suddenly hopped on top of him and shushed him with her sleeve. She picked him up and hugged him, much to Edgar's discomfort. Despite Colette's binding and head patting, Edgar still couldn't stop looking out the window. In his head he could hear Emz's obnoxious laugh, the one that he found charming. He stared longingly as the love song Poco sang taunted his insecurity. His scarf slowly shut the window panes shut as he shook Colette off with a nudge.

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