Adam x child reader

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Hey bitches and bros and nonbinary hoes! And now! It is time to present my newest story! I absolutely love this anime! So of course I have to start with Adam. Enjoy!

Adam looked around the manor for you, "Where are you puppy?" The teen heard giggles coming from his room silently, he opened the door and walked in. He heard your giggles coming from under his bed but he pretended to be clueless. "Where's my darling puppy at? Is she behind the curtains, in my sock drawer? Or maybe..."Adam leaned forward and tickled your foot which was poking through the blanket. "Daddy!" You leaped up and hugged him "Do you want to see uncle Kojiro and uncle Kaoru?" "Yes yes!" Laughing he grabbed his skateboard and headed out, heading to their usual spot. 

Walking up to an old building, there were two people waiting for them. "It's about time you got here, did you get lost Adam?" "Nope, I had to get this one out the door." "Unca Jiro unca aoru!" Your father set you down so you could hug them. "There's my favorite niece." Lifting you up, Joe gave you a big hug, while Kaoru  lightly ruffled your hair.  Adam chuckled at the three, "Are you ready to skate?" "Is that even a question? Of course we are." You went back to Adam and raised your arms. He lifted you onto his back, and you latched yourself around him and off you were.

You enjoyed watching the view zoom by as you skated around the area. "Hey (y/n), watch this!" You looked over your dad's shoulder to see Kojiro do an awesome trick. "Wow, I wanna try pwease?" The three teens all stopped, and your dad set you down. "I'm afraid you're a little young to do that, however..." Your dad got off his skateboard and placed you on it. "Now take your foot and push, there you go puppy, you're doing it!" "I'm doing it daddy I'm WOAH..." You  turned your head to talk to your dad and fell off in the process. "(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Adam knelt beside you checking for any injuries and instead of crying you started laughing. "That was fun can I go again? Pwease?" All three boys sighed you were going to give them a heart attack.

Timeskip 10 years

You skated up to S, wanting to see the race between your dad and uncle. Alot had changed in the last 10 years you were 12 now, and your dad wasn't like he used to be. It scared you sometimes, but you still had your uncles Kaoru and Kojiro. You made it right before they started. "Hey squirt, glad to see you made it." Joe ruffled your hair as you made it closer to the group, you became friends with them in the beginning and they were all nice. "The race has begun! And they're already neck and neck!" You looked up at the screen and indeed saw they were going the same speed. You couldn't help but feel worried for your uncle. You knew what your father's skating was like, you hoped he wouldn't get hurt. Everything was going great until.... WHAM!

Adam had struck Cherry with his skateboard and he fell to the ground. "UNCLE!" Adam watched as you and Joe examined Cherry and he felt angry, "Come now (y/n), don't worry about him, he's nobody. " "Nobody? YOU MONSTER! I HATE YOU I WISH KAORU OR KOJIRO WERE MY FATHER NOT YOU!" Tears were streaming down your face as you guys got Cherry to the hospital, Kojiro holding you to comfort you. What were you gonna do now?

Phew alright here's the first part to this if you want a part 2 please let me know!

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