chapter 1 Evan is coming?!

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Hi this is my first story so enjoy :)

Delirious POV
Another boring day at home with me being lazy and sitting on the couch until I got a text from someone so I reached for my phone but I couldn't reach it but I could reach a ruler so I grabbed the ruler and I made the ruler push my phone that was on the television but I heard a plop and my phone fell on the floor but it wasn't damaged that was good though so I sighed in relief so I just picked up my phone and saw a text from Evan
V=vanoss or Evan
D=Delirious or Jonathan
D: sup
E: hi I got good news
D: wut
E: I'm coming over
D: omg rlly
E: yup!
I was so excited wait my mask I need to wear my mask,I grabbed my mask and tightened it so it would fit better "yay I can't wait now I'm excited!"I screamed in a happy way I best get my house clean I thought so I clean my house I even clean myself up i wonder when he is coming I guess he will tell me sooner or later anyways I love Evan he might not feel the same but I always have dreams.

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