01 ━ itzy as your girlfriend

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• such a loving and caring girlfriend
• treats you with meals
• she wants to take care of you all the time
• checks in on you during the day when you aren't able to see each other
• sends good morning and goodnight texts
• keeps a bunch of your sweaters and hoodies, often wears them when she misses you
• can be really clingy, like have you seen the way she is with the members?? but you love it nonetheless
• soft and slow kisses
• she can be a little shy when you initiate PDA, blushes furiously and giggles non stop
• as the groups leader, she feels stressed out a lot and just wants to be in your arms so yeji loves it when you surprise visit her while she's working
• honestly, you're both just so in love with each other and anyone can see it
• compliments you non stop !!
• "yeji, you're staring again."
• "you're just so beautiful, y/n."

• best believe jisu will end up being more of a mom
• really goofy relationship, constant corny jokes that make the members want to leave the room as soon as you two are around each other
• buys you gifts almost all the time
• isn't much into PDA, but she'd occasionally kiss your cheek or hold your hand
• wants you to lay on the floor with her
• absolutely anything can remind her of you
• "lia-unnie, look how pretty that dog is!"
• "you know who else is pretty? y/n! oh wait— let me show you pictures."
• loves to be held by you, but if you're feeling down she won't hesitate to pull you close and just lay with you
• sensual and heartwarming kisses
• sometimes falls asleep when video calling and apologizes like a million times the next day
• sings to you with that heavenly voice of hers
• while you just stare at her in wonderment and you can't help but think how lucky you are to be with her
• never fails to make you laugh like good god she's so unintentionally funny, you and her could just look at each other and burst out laughing
• a safe and comforting relationship

badass girlfriend who would throw hands if anyone offended or hurt you
• but also such a bby uwu like ryu absolutely loves when you wrap your arms around her and pull her onto your lap
• loves to tease you shkshhsh
• like she'll kiss you and pull away without letting you kiss back, trails her fingers over every inch of your skin, whispers in your ear
• you tease her about her height in return
• calls you all the time, even if she's busy with work
• "ryujin, aren't you supposed to be working today?"
• "i am right now actually, but i was bored and missed you too much, so i wanted to check in on you."
• PDA consists of either holding your hand, arm wrapped around your waist, any type of kisses
• lets you wear that one green hoodie of hers
• sends you pictures of herself when filming new music videos
• teaches you her raps
• sometimes you'll trail your fingers softly over her whisker dimples, just admiring silently and she'd blush so hard, smiling non stop
• talks about you all the time on live
• going on late night walks together
• ryujin would do anything for you, although she acts like she doesn't care but she's completely whipped for you

• she is so in love with you honestly sometimes it feels overwhelming
• but you're the exact same so its a win-win situation
• you have a folder of her in your photos app that's just pictures of her to remind chaeryeong how beautiful and gorgeous and breathtaking she is
• teaches you any dance she knows
• although laughs immediately when you can't get the moves and ends up giggling on the floor
• she'd occasionally roast you
• but you don't really hear it since she just mumbles it under her breath
• movies dates that end in cuddles
• passionate kisses
• blushes a lot when the fans ask about you and would smile immediately and just talk nonstop about you
• doesn't really mind PDA, although she doesn't initiate it that much
• trusts you so so much like she'll tell you her deepest secrets and biggest fears, so just love and protect this bby
• "y/n, i love you. you know that? please don't ever forget that."
• "i know, chaer. i love you too, so much. don't forget that either, okay angel?"
• such a pure relationship where you're able to just be yourself

• giant baby who just wants your love and affection
• what even is personal space when it comes to her — she'll back hug you constantly, lay her head on your lap, holds your pinkys together, just completely lays on top of you when cuddling
• always wants your attention
• goes on pizza dates with you
• is always teased by the members, so when she pranks them for revenge she often asks if you want to join her
• sweet kisses, little pecks here and there
• sleepovers together all the time
• gets really pouty when someone flirts with you
• wouldn't mind spending money on you tbh
• taking embarrassing photos of each other to use as blackmail
• "y/n! delete that right now!"
• "no, this is payback for last time!"
• tickle fights where you and her will be laughing and giggling so loudly it concerns the members, and by the end on it you're in this awkward position that just makes yuna blush and look away
• wants to try out new restaurants with you
• such a fun and outgoing relationship


first preference!
comment ur thoughts <3

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