59. Spare Keys and Apologies.

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Shizukana's P.O.V.

Exhausted. I am exhausted. I didn't think that one month of not training could do so much damage. The spar was yesterday, but I was feeling awful. It was as if I feel of the weight of a hundred story building on my shoulders.

Wincing slightly, I shifted my position on the bed and laid my head on the soft pillow. Staring straight at the ceiling, I slowly closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep. Just as I was drifting off, the sound of knocking rang through the room. I looked at the door before calling out to the person on the other side. "Come in."

A beat passed by before the door opened. It was Shikaku Nara. I straightened myself. A more authoritative and strict aura surrounded him. "Nara-San." I greeted. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I watched as Nara-San muttered something under his breath before flashing me a smile. He walked towards me and placed a bag on the bed. He then pointed to the chair, making me nod.

"Yoshino told me to give this to you," Nara-San spoke as he took a seat. He just kept smiling, which made me remember another Nara who shared that same smile. "She insisted, so I don't think she'll take it back."

"Nara-San, you didn't have to," I responded, smiling. Once again, Nara-San muttered under his breath. "Is something wrong?" I asked, causing the older to simply shake his head.

"My wife told me about you calling her Nara-San. She asked me if she looked old and I may have not given the best answer." He replied before grimacing. I smiled, remembering how Yoshino-San reacted to Shika calling her old. "Call me Shikaku."

I nodded. "Alright Shikaku-San," I said, making him chuckle.

It got quiet. Well, it appeared that both of us didn't know how to approach the right conversation. I wanted to ask Shikaku-San what he was doing here, and I assumed that Shikaku-San had something to ask me.

After a few moments of bearing this awkward silence, I fiddled with the ends of my blanket. I wasn't exactly the person who would know to start a conversation and everyone close to me knew that, so they usually started the conversation. I cleared my throat, causing Shikaku-San to shift his eyes towards me. "I assume there is a reason for your visit?" I finally spoke, breaking the tense silence.

"Straight to the point, I see." He replied, making me smile.

"There's no point in beating around the bush," I answered, sweeping my bangs, which had grown to cover my eyes, away from my face. "Plus, I hate small talk," I added, facing Shikaku-San.

"I'm here as a courtesy. Yoshino had heard about you being in the hospital and wanted me to visit you." He answered, making me purse my lips. I stared directly into the jet-black eyes. I could see that he was lying.

"We both know that's a lie," I muttered, making him chuckle.

"Alright then," He began. "Lady Tsunade explained your predicament, but I was hoping to hear more from you." Shikaku-San finally answered, allowing me to process the real reason for his presence.

"What exactly did she tell you and why?" I asked. I never found the reason Lady Tsunade felt the need to keep the head of the Nara clan updated. I had formed many theories, but that's all they were. They were just theories.

"She told me about Danzo and his follower, Takada Yukimura, and Orochimaru's obsession with you," He said. At the mention of Takada's name, I couldn't help but frown. "I have no clue as to why she told me, but I am grateful that she did."

"Grateful?" I asked in confusion. "Why? We have no connection and neither of us benefits from this."

"Danzo is a slippery snake. I intend on putting a stop to his schemes. He believes it's for the greater of the village, but he is the one that is damning it." Shikaku-San explained. "He is interested in you. I have never seen him act so carelessly as to attack someone and not cover his tracks."

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