My perfect life

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        I opened my eyes and was greeted by the smell of the ocean. The waves washing up on shore, giving off a slight mist of the sea water. The sun was high over our heads, leaving the sand hot at places, and warm in others. Luckily we were on soft, warm sand that sifted through my toes as I shifted my feet. The warm breeze giving off the feeling of summer in the spring time. The water itself wasn't exactly choppy, but the waves came in with steady rolls and washed up on high tide. It was like the kind of image you see in photos, or read in books. It was a breath taking view that, honestly, I could get used to seeing. If only there wasn't the fact there was a, you know, triangle of doom connected to it. I was still taking it all in when I had heard a scream followed by a laugh. I looked over in the direction the sound came from and saw a few of my friends throwing themselves into the crashing waves of the ocean. I chuckled when I had heard them laugh, and even though I was a good enough swimmer to join them, I didn't really want to get into the water that day. I was on spring break, relaxing, and enjoying the sun with a few of my friends. I should probably also mention who was there with me. There was Augden, Raymond, Jake, Lily, Anika, and Lisa. Oh, and me, Luke. I wasn't sure what we were really doing at the beach today. We had just gotten out of school on spring break, and I was kind of expecting just to stay at home and watch some youtube or anime. Not even ten minutes when I got home though, Raymond pulled up in his truck, with Anika and Jake sitting in the front, and said we were going to go on a road trip to the beach. I didn't really know what to say, and they didn't really give me much time to respond. Jake and Raymond just walked into my house and started packing things that I would need, swim trunks, sun screen, my wallet, extra clothes, soap, a toothbrush. They were actually packing for me like I was going to be gone for a while. I didn't get time to argue about it either, what with Anika convincing me to go over to Augden's house and tell him to get his truck ready too. I sighed as I got on my bike and pedaled down to his house.

        When I got down to Augden's house though, I didn't even have to say anything. He just handed me his bag and said, "Just put that in the bed of the truck. I'll be there in a little bit." No room to argue there either.

        I got back to my house to see Anika playing with my baby brother while Jake and Raymond were probably telling my mom that we would all be going on a trip together for spring break. I had no idea of this, and turns out neither did Lisa. Lisa walked across the road and stood next to me, asking me, "What's going on? You guys going on a trip or something?"

        I shrugged and responded, "I had no idea about it, and I think it's just me and my friends."

        Augden just drove up to the curb in his truck and hopped out of it. He said hey to everyone and looked over at me and Lisa. "You guys got your stuff ready?"

        Lisa looked even more confused as she took a step back, "Uhh, what do you mean?"

        "Well wasn't Luke just inviting you to go to the beach with us? Spring break and everything, we decided to go on a trip together."

        I laughed nervously and said, "Uhh what? You guys never planned anything with me. You guys literally just showed up at my house and stuff happened."

        Augden pulled out his phone and showed me multiple texts to me saying are you going on the trip with us? Even a text saying ask Lisa, maybe she wants to come along.

        I looked at the text, I could see that the contact was to me, but I never got any of those texts. I shrugged, seeing as it looked like I would be going weather I wanted to or not. I looked back at Lisa though, "So I guess, do you want to join us on this trip, adventure, thing that we're doing?"

        She shrugged, "Uhh, give me a sec alright?" and without waiting for an answer she took off back into her house. I sighed and looked back at my friends who were now gathered outside my house playing with my baby brother Nico.

Spring Break (with a twist)Where stories live. Discover now