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Vampire H is here!
-vampire and supernatural elements!

"You found me a what?"

Alora had always joked about how she needed a sugar daddy. It wasn't that she didn't have any passions that she could make an income with, she had plenty, but none of her passions would really sustain the lifestyle she wanted. It wasn't even that she wanted that materialistic lifestyle either! She simply wanted to live in a fancy manor off of the grid, wear her cottage core dresses and pick fresh flowers and bake. She felt like that wasn't asking for too much? She was a simple girl in her day to day life. Her day job included working at a pottery place— one of those where people come and pick what they want to paint and then come back after they're fired in the kiln. It seemed to be the perfect fit for someone like her.

Alora loved art in all forms, but she had a bit of a soft spot for painting. She spent her off days going to museums or going to the park to paint the scenery. It seemed as though her life revolved around that longing for the renaissance, not for anything but the standard of beauty. The beauty of those soft plush bodies held at the time, the way the fabric seemed to so elegantly fall over bodies of all shapes and sizes, the colors used in both fashion and art. To her it was beautiful, she felt like she could live everyday just indulging in art and the pleasures of life, have it be food or sex. When Niall came to her saying he had actually found someone who fit this criteria— and apparently he meant all of it— Alora was amused.

"You're saying, there is a man who could provide me with the lifestyle I dream of, in this decade? Who will pay me to—" Alora wasn't a virgin by any means, but she had a specific way she went about intimacy. It was passionate, soft, but intense nonetheless. She loved eye contact and those moments where they were both starving for touch. "There must be a catch..."

"There... is. It's gonna be in exchange for your blood." Niall winced. Alora was well aware of the community and the fact that vampires existed. Niall was one! She was just.... not involved. So he had been slightly hesitant involving her in vampire matters until he heard that his good old pal, Harry, had been looking for a feeder. Blood baby? Whatever you could call it for her understanding. "Listen... he's a great guy. Kind of stuck in the past, but most older vamps are. He's like... OG og. Lived for hundreds of years. And now he's finally stopping his blood bag shit or he got tired of the blood bars. He has tons of money— like mega stupid rich wirh airplanes just because— so he can get you whatever you want. He'll take care of it. All it means is getting bit once a week." He had made it sound a lot simpler than it was but he wasn't fully aware either of the intimacy of a feeder, or a donor in other words. It would be close to each other and feeding wasn't exactly a family friendly thing. Some vampires could get aggressive but thankfully, as old as Harry was, he knew he had self control and manners. "Listen, here's his address. You can go over any time after 4 pm today and he'll expect you. Tell him your name and that Niall sent you." He pushed. "Just try."

"This is a *vampire thing!?" Alora's eyes widened, looking around to make sure she didn't say it *too* loud. She didn't want to catch the wrong person's attention. "Niall I—" He was making good points. Who else could give her a better experience than someone who had actually lived through it? Free food, shelter in what she assumed to be a massive home that was centuries old, payment? This was exactly what she had dreamed of. "Why am I so hesitant?" She asked Niall with a small sigh, setting her iced hibiscus tea on the table. "I mean— I know *why* but just... are you sure?" Alora didn't want to say she was stereotyping vampires because Niall wasn't anything like what she thought vampires were— but then again, Niall had only turned thirty years ago so he wasn't that old. Alora fiddled with the piece of paper, thumbs running over the ink. She wondered if it was in this man's handwriting. It looked to be written in fancy script, with one of those quill pens. "Does it... does it hurt?" She asked in a hushed tone, "the bite."

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