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"Hello? Flora? Are you there?" Flora's mum called down the line.

"Yeah, mum. I just had to go and get my lunch out of the fridge." An unnerved Flora emerged from the kitchen. As said she was wielding a small lunchbox, in addition to her school shoes. "I really need to go now mum. It's gonna be hard to talk when I'm on my way to school because-,"

Flora's mother cut her off. "Because you'll want to take the long route, and you have to run otherwise you'll be late. I know all your lines."

The corners of Flora's eyes crinkled while her face broke out into a smile. Sometimes it was kind of sweet when her mum remembered insignificant things about her life. It made her feel more appreciated.

"Oh and don't forget to eat something. Wouldn't want someone throwing up on an empty stomach again." Flora's smile faded slowly. This is why she had made sure to add the 'sometimes'. "But in all seriousness Flora, don't overwork yourself. Take a break once in a while."

"Okay, mum. I'll take a break tomorrow. Love you, bye."

"Bye sweetie. One more thing don't forget to-." Flora ended the call before her mum started going off on a tangent about how she needed to clean her new apartment. The apartment that was just for her. The apartment that she was technically the owner of.

Silently indulging in her newfound independence, Flora slipped on her school shoes, hauled her backpack on and grabbed her keys. The door banged heavily when she closed it, and she made sure she heard the faint click of the key closing the lock. She didn't want to get burgled, not that she had anything worth stealing anyways. It would just be a waste of money and effort because she would have to get the lock and key changed.

Made up scenarios of unsuccessful burglaries on her house kept her distracted for most of the run to school. The reason she was even running to school in the first place was to reduce stress levels, increase stamina and increase her overall day to day life. To Flora, running was an escape. She felt so free from the burdens of the real world when she felt her feet hit the hard concrete and the rush of wind in her ears. Her body felt light, like the wind was carrying her along. It all just felt so freeing. Even though she felt so out of it when running, her senses were heightened. She felt like she could hear a car from around the corner and the barking of a dog five houses down. She knew exactly where her school was because of the busy chatter and the heat radiating from the mass of students crowding the gate.

Her pace slowed down as the temperature climbed a few degrees. She had made it. Her new school: Gunn High.

Flora grimaced as she walked through the gates. She felt eyes watching her enter the gates and walk into the building. The uncomfortable feeling of bugs crawling on her skin was the tell-tale sign that people were staring at her, or taking occasional glances. Her hands clutched the straps of her backpack until her knuckles turned pale. She wasn't worried or overly nervous; she was just cautious due to a new environment.

Her feet grew heavier and heavier as she neared the entrance to Gunn High. She felt she was carrying blocks of lead on her feet. Soon she wouldn't be able to lift her feet off the ground, and would just be scraping the soles of her polished school shoes away. What a waste of money.

"Hey, hey. Watch it." Two hands grasped her shoulders. There was a moment of silence, "You look sick. Go to the nurse."

Flora was held upright by this stranger. She was partially grateful for him saving her the embarrassment and shame of her collapsing on her first day, but she felt uneasy. If there had been a lot of people staring at her when she made her way through the courtyard, there were at least twice that number now. With her eyes screwed shut, she could hear antagonising taunting whispers, absolutely dying to make someone's life hell. His tone also made her feel unnerved; she didn't want to get beaten up or made fun of on her first day.

"No... no. I- I'm fine." Flora clutched a piece of the wall sticking out next to her. She steadied herself enough, so that the stranger could let go of her shoulders. Her feet shuffled against the stone floor. "I- I'm fine."

She repeated herself again in a more assertive and, hopefully, more convincing tone, in hopes that this stranger would let go of her. Gaining more confidence in the sheer will to be left alone, she made eye contact with this stranger.

She was met with a boy, not that much taller than her, with flaming red hair. It was so red she wondered if he had dyed it. If he had, why would he? Her eyes travelled down to his eyes: he was heterochromatic. His right eye was brown, but there was something different about his eyes that intrigued her. She felt she could see a darkness wanting to emerge; it was like he was holding something back. ‎His left eye was even more intriguing. It kind of gave her the confidence to ask him if he had been born like this. She didn't though, that would just be disrespectful. His left eye was a similar shade of red as his hair, although it may be a little darker due to his pupil. There were two beauty marks under his left eye, and his ears were pierced.

He was fascinating.

She made him curious.

He just stared down at her, not wanting to attempt a smile or even a hint of one, to make her feel less uneasy. He was observing her. She was observing him.

Flora took a deep breath and let it go. She didn't feel nervous anymore. It was like this stranger's eyes had stared straight into her soul, killing off any fear or nervousness. She felt weightless, lacking nothing and lacking everything at the same time. Vulnerable? It was confusing, impossible maybe but she excused herself and walked towards the classroom sign matching the piece of paper she had memorised at home.

As she walked away she could feel the eyes of the stranger tracking her every movement. However, the feeling of bugs crawling under her skin was nowhere to be found, in its place was a shiver. One caused by running in the night rain too long.,; a feeling sh head experienced many times before.

Shivers caused by pure euphoria, adventure and the rush of something new.

Flowers Blossom In Night Rain | Vinny HongWhere stories live. Discover now