Chapter 1: Memories...

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~I do not own Attack on Titan,credit belongs to Hajime Isayama. The plot is my idea, though. Also, the cute Erwin x Levi moments are just them being brotherly. Thanks, please enjoy. BTW, Lily doesn't remember Levi but he remembers her. ~

Lily followed her temporary squad leader to their new barracks. It was a mess. There was dust all over the place and spiderwebs. She cringed at the sight. She put her bags down at the end of her bed and immediately started cleaning. When Captain Levi came in 5 minutes later to make everyone had everything, he was shocked to find it met his standards.

He looked around the room in amazement. "Which cadet cleaned this room?" He asked.

Lily saluted. "I cleaned the room, sir.", she said, shortly, but politely. Levi glanced at her. She had long black hair, grey-green eyes that were hard and emotionless.

Levi had met people like this before when he was in the Underground. But she looked a little too familiar...


The first training exercise was hand-to-hand . Lily had bested everyone that went against her, including Mikasa, being raised in the underground it was hard to find knives, and even then you still need to have a little skill to survive. Eren was very impressed at how good she was. Mikasa, on the other hand, thought she was a danger to her family. She most definitely didn't trust Lily. To make matters worse, they shared a room.

As soon as they were alone, Mikasa shoved Lily against the wall. "Don't you dare harm Eren.", She hissed. "If you so much as lay a finger on him I will kill you. Understand?" Lily smirked. "Of course, darling. Besides, Mikasa. What stupid reason do you think I would hurt Eren? Just because I'm better at fighting than you and him, doesn't mean I want to hurt him, genius."

Mikasa glared. "Whatever. I'm still watching you." Lily rolled her eyes. "Who cares." Mikasa went to take a shower. Lily had already taken one before Mikasa got there so she got in bed. Mikasa finished and went to bed. She was asleep in minutes. Lily tossed and turned before she found a comfortable position.  When she finally fell asleep, she was plagued by nightmares...

-Flashback Nightmare-

Lily opened the door, and scowled. If only she could see the Surface. She hated this place. She lived with her uncle, Kenny, and she hated every single day and night she spent with him. He would most of the time come home drunken and slurring his words. The next day he would wake up with a atrocious headache and expect her to coddle him, like he was some stupid baby. 

She slammed the door behind her, ignoring the shouts that came from the other room. "STOP SLAMMING THE DOORS!" "GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" , she screamed. "LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE WILL YOU???!!!!

She ran out of the house and didn't come back.

A year flashes by...

She escaped the Underground and had laid low for a while. When she saw the Scouts she decided it would be great to try to make an honest living.

She enlists in the Cadet Corps. When training starts everything seems like it will be great, but...

Kenny was there. "Hello, beautiful. Did ya miss me?"

"Kenny. What are you doing here?"

"I'm helping. I'm getting you out of the stupid military."

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