Just a simulation

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Pov: Ranmaru

Just a simulation.
That was the first thing I heard after I came back to (apparently) real world. This was just a test, to try our memories, our morality, our own mortality...

And I went thru it all.
I died, many times. I killed my friends, I was a traitor, hopelessly blinded by will to live...and something more. I saw every version of this story.
It shouldn't really matter, right? It wasn't real, after all...and yet.

I cannot forgive myself.
I cannot look others in the eyes.
I cannot look...at Sara.

I put shaky hand on my tired eyes. Why am I overthinking this much? I should just forget it all.
They are not here. Sara and Joe are not in the same school as me. Probably I will never see them again... Yeah! I should just go on with my life!


But why this life I killed for suddenly doesn't feel worth living at all...?

Hiya! Eddie's here! First chapter is short cause I'm slowly trying it out and I have to admit that writing feels weirdly good??? Kinda surprised and happy and I will write another chapter soon!
(Drawing is not mine!)

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