Chapter one- The Beginning

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        When I first awoke, I swore I was dead. The florescent, overhead lights shone a false light against the white-washed walls of the small room and the smell of death was everywhere. My mind was clouded and my thoughts, blurred as the sounds of beeping machines took play into my mind. I saw flowers of all kinds blooming on a wooden table to my left and cards of all colors. As i reached over to grab one of the cards the most horrific pain imaginable flared up my back. As my mind sent constant pain signals down to my spine, I heard groans of agony from besides my room. Numerous people where in a huge room where curtains separated each of us. Later I would be removed into a more private room, for more urgent car. As of now, I was shaking with terror. As my body trembled I then realized that I had not died, I was just living another miserable day on earth.

        Not long after my parents came in and cried. At first i thought they were crying tears of happiness, but minutes went by and they didn't speak a word. I tried to talk but multiple, itchy, tubes were blocking my voice. After what felt like forever and no words were spoken, my eyes began to droop and tiredness won my battle to say awake.

        The next day, nurses were talking quietly outside the hall.

        "It was a horrific accident, not many details have been provided but it seems it was just a one car accident. The youngest of the three kids was driving and it seems she just lost control of the car" The thin nurses makes a sound of compassion and suddenly my ears were tuned in. It had to be about me.

        "How are their conditions" The thin nurse asks.

        "The youngest one broke several ribs and has severe bruising on her chest. Her leg was so mangled they almost had to amputate and her arm, broken in 3 different places. The boy, Cayson, I believe made it out almost untouched. He had bruising of his right rib and a broken arm. The eldest of the received the brunt of it" The bigger nurse said drawing in a breath. I suddenly drew in one myself, if I had received all of that, what had poor Jadyn received.

        "The doctors say it's pretty awful, but he's saying its classified information for now. He's never done that before.."

        " All I know is that she hasn't woken up, if she does her eyes will have received permanent damage. The doctors are almost positive she won't be able to see."

        My mouth let out a strangled sob.

        "If she wakes up"
        Despite my mind being so foggy I thought about her waking up. Would it really be waking up if you awoke in total darkness? If there was nothing to see. If you couldn't see your mother's smiling face, your brothers gleaming green eyes, your sister's guilt filled face, or your fathers red tousled hair.
Was it really waking up?
It was my fault Jayden wouldn't wake-up.
That was the moment I realized I wasn't in heaven or on earth.
I was in hell.

Hello! Just so you guys are aware this is a short filler/intro chapter and i promise for better ones soon! Hope you enjoyed!! Also, please take the time to vote or comment, it would mean the world! Thanks loves:)
Anyways so I was ice skating yesterday and I made eye contact with this cute boy and he smiled at me!! (Yeah I know holy shit😂)So I wasn't paying attention and the Velcro on my skates it stuck together and I flew legit 5 feet in the air :/ anyways he skated right over to me and was all sincere asking if I was okay and reaching his arm out to help me up (no joke guys I can't even describe how polite he was:) he asked me my name said it was cool, told me his name and then we just skated separately until he said bye at the end. But I want to see him again to bad omfhsjd help!!!😂

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