Just One Day; Just the Two of Us

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"Listen Alice, Sharon has been dying to have this 'girl date' for months now. Can't you just be a good sport about it and go hang out with her for a few hours?" I heard my master, Oz, say as I walked into the living room of my apartment. Alice and Oz were sitting side by side on the couch; Alice was sprawled out with her dirty boots on my coffee table with Oz sitting comfortably next to her. He looked at me as I walked into the room.

"Good morning, Gil!" he said cheerfully.

"Morning. What's going on?" I asked, choosing to ignore the fact that Alice's feet were still on my table.

"Sharon invited Alice over for some kind of 'girl date' but Alice refuses to go," Oz explained with a little sigh. "And here I thought they were getting along so well."

"I don't think Alice is really capable of participating in Sharon's idea of a 'girl date'," I admitted, lighting up a cigarette. I walked over to the open window so the whole room wouldn't smell like smoke. Alice just really wasn't the feminine type to sit around and drink tea with someone.

"What is that supposed to mean, seaweed head?" she asked, her voice flaring up into an angry shout as her eyes lit with fury. She jumped to her feet, pointing a finger at me and glaring. "I'm capable of anything! Just put me to a task and I can do it! The powerful B-Rabbit can do anything!"

"Then go hang out with Sharon for the day," I told her with a sly smile. Maybe then it will actually be peaceful around here for a while, I thought. Her attitude suddenly shifted into something less confident as she tried to find a retort.

"Maybe... Maybe I will grace that woman with my presence today," she said, trying to sound strong but her voice wasn't as boisterous as it had been a minute ago.

"Please, Alice. Sharon could really use some girl time. She's surrounded by boys constantly. I think she misses the feminine company," Oz told her, pleading a little. He seemed very invested in getting Alice and Sharon to go on this 'girl date' thing... Alice looked down at him and seemed to be thinking it over.

"Alright, I guess I'll go. But only because I can't stand to see my manservant beg like a weakling," Alice declared, flipping her hair behind her shoulder hotly.

"Great! Miss Sharon is waiting for you!" an unexpected voice announced. I jumped in surprise and we all turned to find Xerxes Break standing in the living room with us.

"Dammit, Break! How did you get in here?" I shouted.

"Through the front door. You really should lock it, Gilbert. You don't want strange people wandering in," he said nonchalantly.

"You're the only strange one who'd bother coming in," I muttered, taking a drag of my cigarette.

"I'm not going anywhere with that clown," Alice hissed, glaring at Break with intense hate. If looks could kill, Break would definitely have been dead.

"Alice, we'll walk you to the carriage," Oz told her, trying his best to calm her.


"B-Rabbit really isn't as brave as everyone says," Emily piped in.

"Yes, how strange that she's so afraid of a harmless old man like me?" Break replied to his doll. Alice stormed to the front door, pausing long enough to look back at us with a sneer.

"Are you coming?" she called, looking at Oz. Something about it irritated me. I hated the way she looked at him and the way he'd follow her anywhere. I hated it. And, as if on cue, Oz stood up with a little sigh and walked to her side. I put out my cigarette on the windowsill and followed them out my apartment door and into the hall with Xerxes Break close behind me.

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