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"They turned me into a weapon. For justice they said. They got their weapon, I got cheated out of my childhood."

Allora wouldn't have what people considered an ideal life. She was held as a prisoner for her whole life wasn't easy. She was forced to push herself to her human limits. Constantly being experimented on. She was a kid going through things like shockwave therapy, physical therapy, mental therapy, etc etc. she was told that she was sold for experimentation by her parents, touching two infinity stones. And going through year's of abuse, for what. No actual reason.

Allora never had contact with the outside world. She was constantly held in solitary confinement. After Hydra forced her to touch the mind stone several times and getting no response, they somehow had the power stone. Allora was shot back with a wave of power-consuming it.

She was six.

But HYDRA was far from stupid. They knew that her never talking to anyone wasn't for their benefit. So they created Elizabeth. She was an AI robot with a fragment of the power stone in her chest. Allora had no memory of her past parents and she had Elizabeth. She didn't need anyone else. Elizabeth taught her the fundamentals and everything else she needed to know to be great. After twenty one years she finally had her first mission.

Kill the Vice President.

Allora knew it as an easy job but she also knew that she couldn't fail. She had one job. And just her luck. She did it perfectly.

Little did Allora know that put her on the Avengers radar. Now she had a knew mission, kill Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton.

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