Behind The Clouds There is A Rainbow

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Hello. My name is Addie with an E, and I live in a box.                                                                             

Hello. My name is Addie with an E, and my foster parents are loser freak shows that hated my gutts, said I was "crazy" and called social services to lock me up in The Nut House.

"Where are we going?" I asked in my cute little 6 year old voice.

"Just for some icecream." My sick foster mother said with a somewhat interesting smile, revealing her yellow teeth coated in red lipstick.

"Okay!" I said, who the hell doesn't like icecream? I was trying to control my excitement

"We are meeting some friends here Addie." My foster father said in his usual, boring, monotone voice not bothering to look at me. I looked out my window and saw that we weren't at the icecream shop. No. We were driving on an unfamiliar road. When I soak all of that information in, (which is a lot for an 6 year old) I was very confused. I turned to  my "mother" and asked,

"Where are we going?" 

"I TOLD YOU WE ARE GETTING ICECREAM! God damit Addison!" The last part she mumbled under her breath. That part really confused me.

My name wasn't even Addison.

Finally, we parked the car and got out, only to see 2 Woman and 1 man, wearing business suites,  standing on the side of the road. 

"Hello, we are here to take your daughter." I started to shake then I catch myself fainting dramatically, but then I come back to reality. Should I run? WHO AM I KIDDING! I am a little six year old and they would catch me in 2 seconds! I turn to my mom, who is dramatically fake crying, with a poliester tissue, that she hands to my "father".

"What?" I mumbled, then I started to scream. 

"Mom!!!! I thought we were supposed to get icecream! ICECREAM ICECREAM ICECREAM!!!!!" All of the suited, snazzy people turned their heads syncronized and gave me a "What the hell" look.

"Aww, darling no we are on the street, not in an icecream shop." My mother knelt down and put her hands on my shoulders. Every few seconds she would sniffle to the side, then she said.

"Just take her! Take her so I can be out of this horrible day! Oh such a tragety. Too bad that she has to LEAVVVEE." Then she gestured to her husband and he started to pull her away from me.

The suited people drag me away, it doesn't even matter, how much I strive to push away! I even tried to punch his stomach, but that just made the man laugh relaly freaking lowly. Then I see them hold me down and the woman comes with a shot and...


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