Day one

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Max Randall that's me you might have seen me on national news I'm the 17-year-old who killed his parents for no reason. Well, I'm here to tell you the reasons I ended up making one of the best and worst choices of my life. And you dear reader are going to come along for the ride that is life before I committed the murders so come along don't be shy buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Run is the very first thing to come to my mind after the second shot has rung out of my dad's 9m and run I did. It was 1105pm on a Tuesday when I made the ultimate choice to kill both of my parents, I just happened to notice the time as I ran out of the kitchen door to the woods behind my house. Now I know what you're thinking why run well I ran because I had to have the story come out the right way. The key to life is choices we as human make millions hell even billons of them in our lives from the simple as what to wear for the day to the more complex to what are we going to do when a life altering event happens. For me the one and only thing I cared about was being in control of my story my life and why things had to happen as they did. So, this is me taking control and making the choice to write my story and find a way to get it out before I'm caught. Blue and red lights are zooming towards my old house I guess someone heard the shots I can see this through the trees I'm maybe two miles from the house by now. The oddest thought just came to my mind as I watch catching my breath my dad and me are in the car, I'm drowning him out with my headphones we are going through a green light on the way to the store and as I look out of the window lost in my own mind a car flips and spins just two lanes over and I see another car with major damage to its front side speed off. This memory catches me off guard and I suddenly snap back to reality and realize I have to get the hell out of here and ditch my phone before the cops find out I was home. Taking off through the over grown and thick woods heading deeper to an old spot I use to go and shot beer bottles with my ex-girl. Eventually I make my way to my spot it's probably been two or three hours since I murder my folks, I grab an old backpack I kept stored here if I ever ran away like I always planned to do it has some waters a lighter an old gun I stole from some car years ago and a pad and pen. The pen and pad were just something I felt I would need when I packed this bag no idea why but then again, the world is weird like those ideas choices just come to you and you follow through with it. Next thing I have to do is get the hell out of these woods and get in touch with my ex-Emily she might be able to help me get out of town just long enough to write my story and find some way to get it out that is if she will forgive me for well a lot but it's the only choice I have at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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