05 ~ Tripped

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I still wasn't sure what had happened the previous night. Was my mother's enthusiasm due to the idea of me finally opening up to a romantic relationship? She had even taken the news of the ruined groceries in stride.

As I stood under the warm water of the shower, Alessio's features and the events of the night returned to my mind. To my surprise, my mother had insisted that Alessio, my supposed boyfriend, stay the night since it was too late for him to drive home. He had been polite and declined, but then asked if he could join us for dinner the following day - my mother eagerly agreed.

What did this British boy want from me? Was he just teasing me, or did he have some sort of plan in mind? I couldn't stop thinking about him: his hair, his face, his lips. That oh-so-perfect accent that I stubbornly refused to be attracted to. He was effortlessly charming, and the way he would give me intimidating stares – I couldn't even count the number of times he had done so in just the day I had known him. And yet, I didn't want him to stop.

Oh God what was this guy doing to me!

Oh no! I'm not going to let his physique manipulate me. A pretty face doesn't mean a pretty heart.

I stepped out of the shower and went about my morning routines. I found out my mom had already left for work so she missed the series of questions I had metally piled for her. Why she skipped her shift last night and what thrilled her so much about Alessio. I mean what did she see in him anyways?

"Hey Jason, when will you be back from school?"

The boy heaved an extended sigh and packed three packs of cookies in his backpack before answering, "It's about your boyfriend isn't it?" Oh, so mom already let the cat out the bag.

"Wh- He is… He is not my boyfriend."

"Mom said you'd say that too." He slung his bag and bit into another cookie. Jason had a mad love for cookies. As a kid, he would stack five to six of them in his bag and eat two to three that morning before school. So crazy was his love for them that I most often used it to blackmail his feeble brain into doing my bidding. Well, not anymore. That little birdbrain grew. But still with the brain of a bird. And it kept shrinking day by day…

"Think whatever you want but he's not my boyfriend." I argued.

"Your point?"

"My point is, Jason, that you behave nicely. At least just for tonight."

"Whoa! I feel like no one trusts me in this house! I'm a good boy alright?"

"Mhm. Then prove it by giving my bo- the guest some nice compliments when he arrives."

"I will, I will. Besides, I'm psyched to meet my future brother-in-law. Mom said he's cute… No! … she used the word very handsome. Where did you even meet him?"

Oh he's damn hot Jason but I'm not admitting it to your face or anybody's for that matter.


Abigail complained as soon as we sat down, "So, after avoiding me the whole day yesterday, you now decided to have a friend?"

"What did you expect when you wouldn't stop teasing me?" I retorted.

"Okay, let's put that aside. What do you have for me?" Abigail demanded in her native accent. It was the sort of accent that came naturally once in a while, and she could sound just like a CIA Director interrogating one of their operation officers.

As expected, Abigail reacted predictably when I told her everything that had happened the previous day and night. She tried to convince me to trust Alessio, but I wasn't willing to listen.

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